just a triple a threat (agender, asexual, aromantic) doin’ their best.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • My english lavender almost died, but I realized in time that it was getting too much water. It’s thinned out some in the center but seems to be growing outwards pretty well and it’s blooming again. I’ll take it as a win.

    My aloe and haworthia are still going pretty strong! I’ll have to take a picture of them sometime. The aloe developed a brown center but is still growing and there are more stalks(?) growing out of the center even, so I think it’s okay still?

    My mom recently got a tropical hibiscus that I’m not sure I’ve mentioned before. I’m not a big fan of it, because it blooms one day and the next day the blooms are on the ground.

  • it’s been really hot here, but I’ve gotten into watering all of the outside plants every day (I water my aloe and haworthia once a week) and they seem to be doing pretty well! even the tropical hibiscus, somehow.

    I’m especially happy about my lavender and the roses, I’ve mentioned previously I think that roses are special to me because of my grandmother (my grandfather would grow them in the backyard in these huge rose bushes for her and bring them in) and these are the first ones to ever grow and thrive. they’re not purely red roses, but I do really like the pattern on them.

    uploading images keeps erroring out and I’m not sure how to put an image in here from imgur, so here’s a link to the picture of the lavender and roses instead.

  • hey, sorry this is coming late! thank you for this. I was already looking at their documentation (I have a few times, as well as read their discourse forum) and joined their discord in preparation.

    I think this is a super good tip because I have been trying to parse what all I’d need to get familiar with before I touch anything install wise. I knew about the pinning a deployment thing, but I didn’t fully understand how, so thank you for laying it out for me!

  • I live with my mom and she has to have the news on borderline 24/7 while she’s awake. I hate it because I have very good hearing so I constantly listen to music instead.

    when I lived alone, I simply didn’t have any sort of streaming service or cable, or what have you. my tv was exclusively for music and gaming on. that was even years ago.

    frankly, I hate having to be around the news for the most part. I will sometimes read stuff on beehaw, but otherwise, no, not for me.

  • Heyo! So recently we got some new plants, and thank you for the tip a while ago to re-pot my aloe, it’s doing much better now, I think. The middle is still brownish red, but the rest is very strong and green, and there are still parts of it growing out of the center.

    I’d post pictures but I’m on mobile, maybe when my power comes back on!

    My mom bought a tropical hibiscus which I’m not sure will survive but we’ll see. It seems to be doing well enough. I managed to get an english lavender and I’ve been told by a friend who knows more about plants that it looks very healthy. And roses have been really hard to grow for us but one of the two rose bushes my mom bought seems to be doing well too!

    Questions, though. I’ve read that lavender wants pine needles over leaf mulch, are they significantly better? I’m also wondering how much I should be watering it, we’ve had a lot of storms lately but I want to stay on top of it.

    Thanks for any more tips and thanks for the thread!

  • Not sure if the first part of my question counts, since it’s about indoor plants, but I have an aloe plant and haworthia (I think is what it’s called) and while the haworthia is doing well, the aloe plant started to have it’s stalks in the center turn brown. I’ve tried giving it more sun like someone recommended to me, but it doesn’t seem to be improving. However, it does seem to still be growing.

    I have one outside plant, a hyacinth, and it’s already started to come up, which is exciting even though it started kind of early(?) but I had a question. When it initially bloomed, it was super top heavy and flopped over. I couldn’t get it to right itself no matter what I did. Anyone got any tips?

    I might be able to plant some more flowers this fall, but I’m not sure what to go with. I would love to do roses in memory of my grandparents, but I don’t think they would do well in my area.