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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 25th, 2023


  • I have seen a few people with both Mbin and Mastodon accounts. From what I have seen so far, Mbin can post to Mastodon and see some Mastodon posts, but it is… rough. Link posts not sending the body out, for one. Making a Mastodon post from Mbin goes correctly without a title and displays like a microblog on Mbin and Mastodon, but on Lemmy it makes a whole new thread for that microblog with the first few words as title. Until Mbin integration with Mastodon improves (and Lemmy integration with Mastodon too, because Mbin federates out to Lemmy too) I can see getting yourself a separate Mastodon account to talk with the much higher number of people there as well.

  • I’m a US citizen myself. I don’t begrudge people the right to talk about things affecting their lives in an appropriate space (maybe don’t post US politics in “non-political memes” lol). However, I also thought I’d empathize with the person I replied to and provide my method of keeping US politics out of my feed, seeing as they don’t want to see it. Wanting to avoid certain material yourself ≠ calling out others for making it or wanting to consume it themselves, although I can definitely see how the person I replied to might be more on the “calling out” side than just on the “avoidance” side (not 100% sure of their intent!).

    I can tell you that for me, it’s because a lot of online discussion of politics tends to encourage me to doomscroll and makes me feel bad in a way news articles don’t, so I try to keep my Fediverse feeds politics-free. I stay informed elsewhere. I understand the need to vent out frustration! Things suck sometimes! But I also understand wanting to avoid seeing that kind of stuff, whether your reason is like mine or more akin to “I’m not interested in this and my feed is full of it.”

  • You’ll never wholly escape it without only sticking to Subscribed in my opinion. In comes something from ADHDmemes, oh look, complaint about medication accessibility, in a way specific to the United States of America’s healthcare system. Any post where people might complain about a serious issue probably has someone attributing the problem or an underlying problem to some political/government thing in the USA, and complaint/miseryposts are not solely limited to USA Politics communities. If you do manage to combat it mostly by just blocks, hats off to you.

  • Downvotes usually signify “you posted something rude, objectively incorrect, off-topic, or instance/community rule-breaking” and people who think they did not do anything wrong might understandably be frustrated when they are getting the signal they did something like that, but they can’t figure out what bad behavior they’re getting downvoted for at all. They might want to know what the downvoter thinks they are doing that is inappropriate so they can stop it, or if it is just a troll trying to make people unhappy and thus ignorable. And given the “lol why do you even care, are you that sensitive over internet points” kind of view, it makes it even more annoying because asking what they did wrong might just get them a response like that and no further clue to what offensive behavior they’ve committed. I know some people use downvote for a mere disagreement as well as for actual objectionable behavior, and trolls exist so downvotes are often safe to ignore, but I’d imagine a reasonable person who does not care about internet points might start getting a little “oh god what did I do wrong” if it’s more half-up half-down or mostly downvoted, especially since I usually see rude/spammy/incorrect things downvoted more heavily than things politely pushing against the grain of popular opinion.

    Also somewhat relevant: I subscribe to some really small magazines/communities. Some of them are full of posts that might appear bad or controversial by vote count (think 3 upvotes vs 3 downvotes, 4 upvotes vs 3 downvotes), but the posts are entirely on topic and are not particularly biased or incorrect. I feel bad for them because it makes that post look low-quality or like they are about a controversial topic when it is really just a tiny community that probably attracted a couple trolls but not enough legit users to outvote them. I can see that getting the community creator a little upset, having their regular content look to onlookers as if it’s trash when it’s normal content, and lowering their hopes of attracting people to the community. Although hopefully people can recognize that at that small a number of people it might just be trolls and not low-quality content.

  • It’s happened before in general, though I cannot remember specific instances. As for Fediverse apps, I do have one for Matrix because I think you actually cannot use that on mobile without an app. Every time I try to open a Matrix link on mobile it tells me to pick an app. For Mbin and Lemmy, I do not need an app because I’m already having a good experience on the browser. Little to no friction or complaints. I also don’t feel I need anything more, so I don’t want to sink that minimal effort into finding and trying an app. The post that came out talking about a lot of apps not displaying Markdown correctly further discourages me, as I don’t want to track it down to find which ones do, and one of the things few apps show correctly is spoiler formatting which I use.

    I see it can be about accessibility and solving usability issues on the browser now, which of course will be different for different people. Thanks for discussing with me :)

  • I agree very much about Subscribing vs. All.

    I hear about the lemmy.ml drama on Fediverse but my actual experience is no drama and I do not 100% know what is happening.

    I also put my head in the sand and only look at my Subscribed, which includes zero politics or “this company did this awful thing”-style depressing news as I’m oversensitive and too prone to doomscrolling. I stay informed somewhere else, not on the Fediverse where people can put so many understandably upset comments that encourage me to doomscroll. And I’d imagine those types of posts, which I know to be prevalent on Local or All, attract comments from people with strong political views, which is probably part of the lemmy.ml drama. I could probably block all the politics posts with a couple community blocks, but not the miseryposting (understandable, people want to vent or post an on-topic news article, I just cannot handle it personally without doomscrolling more things like it) that attracts “and this problem was caused because of [insert politics here]” replies—so many communities are appropriate places to post news that happens to be sad, or a meme about how much your life sucks.

  • I started on kbin.social to get my feet wet and once I figured things out a bit I wanted off the flagship instance so I could help with decentralization. Purposely sought out a smaller instance, but I, like the user you replied to, needed faith it would keep running. Server age is useful. How many people joined is also somewhat useful—you’ll probably have a harder time deciding to shut down an instance down on 100 active users than on 2, although it still happens (I used to be on kbin.cafe with around that number, the admin went inactive and the instance lived for awhile, but I checked now and get an SSL error. Shortly after the admin went inactive I went looking for somewhere new. kbin.run had around 100 active just like kbin.cafe, I went there, and clearly it worked out). I did not really need any fancy features, just for the instance to have a future while not being one of the biggest ones, and to not have a horrible reputation (like explodingheads does).

    You might get a new signup from me, already happy with my current instance, if your instance is devoted to an interest I like. If someone makes animals.social or bunnies.social and it gets more than 2 people to sign up, I’m definitely unsubbing from all my cute animal communities here and resubbing to them there. But I get the feeling you want to be general purpose. I don’t think I’ll need to make a new account anytime soon but if I do I’ll come checking on yours.