Nah. I make my own preworkout protein bar and each has a tablespoon of honey. Hit that and some caffeine, (banned in the Olympics) and you’ll have a ton of energy while lifting.
Nah. I make my own preworkout protein bar and each has a tablespoon of honey. Hit that and some caffeine, (banned in the Olympics) and you’ll have a ton of energy while lifting.
I mean honestly source? Free lean protein which I can acquire while circumventing price gouging and greedflation doesn’t seem like that bad of an idea. Maybe toast them bitches in the air fryer and put em on a sammich. Make a CLT.
No dude has ever said “she’d look hotter if her lips and cheeks were redder,” either but ya’ll would cry if we stopped wearing lipstick and blush. Quit your bullshit.
This site is becoming the same kind of mysognistic reddit was.
The sad truth is it’s not a real bikelane unless it’s protected by a barrier.
My Saturn is starting to look more and more like my forever car everyday. I think I’ll try to save up to turn it into an EV
If we had an energy system owned by the people and not ran for profits, nuclear would be a viable, and probably even the preferred, option. We do not. We’re probably going to have to fix that to get a practical and reliable clean energy grid.
Dogs? We have a limitless supply, go nuts scientists. Chimps eh let’s say less than 30, the lower the amount of chimps that die the better but at the end of the day, traumatic experiences vastly reduce quality of life for people, so if chimps gotta die, they gotta die.
Call me Hitler but it’s only a snail. If this can erase my dad strangling me or watching someone shoot themself from my brain IDC how many invertebrates die for it.
You’re not old just cause u remember a thing from school. They still use these in gym classes all over, and you can still buy these in stores for 5 bucks.
The frog and the chimp go so hard