It is true. Not all heroes wear capes. Thanks for saying what I was screaming.
It is true. Not all heroes wear capes. Thanks for saying what I was screaming.
This is the point I was trying to get at; although very inelegantly. Thanks for this.
I would propose that perhaps linking religion with the religious leadership is linking Christianity with “the church”. And using that logic all Christians condone pedaphilia which isn’t the case. Islam the religion isn’t about cruelty anymore than Christianity is about white supremacy.
Also by that logic and if as you say you feel Islam is as whacked as Christianity you should just ban religious people. While being more exclusive I could get on board with that doctrine.
I’m sure she was Muslim till the very last cause I’d sure as hell find religion when I’m facing the end. I’d like to think I’d remain rational but it’s daunting AF. But she’s not one of the bad ones is she?
You wouldn’t deny that woman entry would you?
What about the nice people actually attempting to find a better life and a way out of the tyranny and oppression?
This would have been the way
Thank you for adding the link to the article!