As a mechanical design engineer in America having dual systems creates unnecessary complexity and frustration every day. I full force embrace switching to metric
As a mechanical design engineer in America having dual systems creates unnecessary complexity and frustration every day. I full force embrace switching to metric
It’s grown one craft beer at a time
Good stuff
I hope that’s a sequel to Buffalo Rider
I find flaming hot funions to be spicier, and fuego takis to be spicier than the funions
All these YouTube thumbnails are so fucking cheesy I can’t give a click to them
Just go to a different instance there’s a shit ton of em lol
FYI there are adaptors for all of these batteries so you’re not actually stuck. I got one on Amazon
In what way did I idolize?
Reading comprehension has really gone down. I said PRCs role in this. And in comes the whatabouts
Funny you defend the PRC when there’s actually evidence of them suppressing knowledge of the outbreak, and disregard the lockdowns here and the vaccines. I worked on the mRNA technology with a lot of good scientists trying to help but people like you don’t care
I said encouraged and yea they encourage likely even financially, those people
As I lay here on NYE with plans canceled because of covid and think back of the >$150,000 USD covid has cost me over these years from destroying my small business, I will never forgive or forget the PRCs role in this.
Those conflicts opening up recently are also encouraged by Russia as a strategy to destabilize, distract, and reroute resources away from Ukraine as well as reinforce their other motives
Ah it’s Artemis from it’s always sunny! She does like to incorporate buns into lovemaking while in the dumpster
I’ve had this happen to me on Google maps on iOS before
lol how did you get that from my words? That’s just u.
Bet it’s an inch screw too