• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • Interesting article. The results of the author’s research is consistent with my understanding of the social media landscape in countries like the Philippines, which I believe are extremely toxic and partisan. However, I’m not sure the additional studies linked support the argument that social media does not increase polarisation. I’ve only read the abstracts of each so it’s quite possible I’m overlooking something, but they immediately seem flawed due to their reliance on consenting participants. I would have thought that anyone who agrees to take part in such a study is clearly an outlier within society and therefore not a reliable test subject. Polarisation via algorithm relies on people being unwittingly exposed to content; if they’re switched on enough to deactivate their social media accounts or disable re-shares as part of a study into political polarisation, they are clearly not representative of society at large.

  • It’s not a “problem”, as such. As I said, I created the account to view the pages and groups of small businesses and organisations that have no other online presence. I don’t use it for the doomscroll algorithm. This was just my observation of what kind of content is targeted towards males in my location by default.

  • I found this article quite interesting, as I deactivated my main Facebook account around the time the article asserts Facebook was still “trying” and only recently created a new account under a generic pseudonym to access all the community and small business information that is still locked entirely to the platform. Because I have basically nothing in my feed on this account, Facebook backfills it with “recommended” posts and I was pretty shocked at how universally terrible they are. I guess the algorithm uses my location and gender to generate these recommendations, since I’ve provided very little in the way of alternative information or interaction for it to use. As a result, my default feed is basically just a wall of misogynistic and highly sexualised slop and even the few genuine recommended posts (like backpackers looking for travelling buddies) are clearly being recommended because they feature young women with a bunch of older men thirsting over them in the comments.

  • You see where I’m going with this?

    No, I’m sorry but those are terrible examples. Synthesisers still require full creative control and an understanding of sound production techniques to create a custom sound. Some musicians rely on presets and samples, but even then they still need to be capable of actually composing a piece of music. Also, the debate was largely about whether synthesisers could be considered real instruments, not whether the music created by synthesisers was real music. The Hip Hop comparison is completely irrelevant and an even worse attempt at conflating genuine criticism of AI “musicians” with “old people are just mad”.

    I don’t know anything about AI music generation

    It’s literally just prompts AFAIK, so the people making it don’t require any musical talent, ability or creativity. They are just asking someone/something else to make them music that has a certain sound. It’s the equivalent of a monarch commissioning a piece of work from their court musician and then claiming they are a musician too.

    visual art can be generated by AI models on local machines with a great amount of fine tuning and depth.

    Are there specific pieces of AI art software people use? Any popular ones you can recommended to help me understand the process better?

  • I think you’re imparting your own biases on the article here. The reporting on the “Chinese roots” of the company is provided as context for the reader because, as I explained above, China’s alleged influence over American society and politics is very relevant at the moment - regardless of whether you agree that it is happening. As far as I know, there was also zero evidence provided by the US government of CCP-guided interference by Huawei or TikTok, yet it moved ahead with bans anyway. Particularly within the context of the reasoning for banning TikTok, NewsBreak’s connections to China are extremely relevant. Note, in particular, this line from the article:

    In February, IDG Capital was added to a list of dozens of Chinese companies the Pentagon said were allegedly working with Beijing’s military.

    You accuse the outlet/journalist/editor of xenophobia and quote their findings of zero links to the CCP as evidence of this, but I would argue that this is actually evidence of the complete opposite. They are doing their best to provide a balanced view of the situation by reporting the lack of connections in contrast to the allegations or implications. If they actually had a genuine xenophobic intention with this reporting, there would be absolutely zero reason to include that line.

    It is not an outrageous thing to say: being Chinese does not make you a CCP operative.

    The article doesn’t state or imply that, though. What it does do is provide information to the reader that is, again, relevant because of the current situation in US politics where you do have politicians alleging or implying that being Chinese, even ethnically, equates to being a CCP operative.

    I just wish they would stop saying “China” or “Chinese” as shorthand for “CCP”.

    This is standard in the field of international relations, though. We always use the name of the country or the capital city of the country when referring to it on the international stage. You are suggesting that we should refer to China as “the CCP”, the USA as “the Democrats”, Australia as “Labor”, etc. That is obviously an extremely confusing and illogical way of presenting information to a global audience.

    I think the fact that you are so concerned about how Trump might hijack this type of balanced reporting is a massive tell that you are not reading it impartially. You are approaching it from the position of “the West has an anti-China bias” (a position I don’t necessarily disagree with) and are then trying to link the dots between the information provided in the article and your world view. You need to understand that reporting facts, that may be parroted in bad faith by political groups and their supporters to reach an inaccurate/unsupported conclusion, is not the same as an opinion piece where the objective is to emotionally manipulate the reader or lead them to a particular conclusion. Reuters has an extremely good reputation for highly factual and unbiased reporting and there is nothing in this report to suggest otherwise.

  • I don’t think they’re likely to do a better job than humans any time soon.

    Sure, assuming the human is actually putting effort into the task. But we know that able-bodied society is generally, at best, dismissive of the needs of the disabled and, at worst, discriminatory. I very much doubt that the majority of fully sighted humans working in this area are taking the time required to view the problem from the point of view of the visually-impaired minority and then putting in the effort required to deliver the best possible solution for them. Not every website is run by some massive company with employees specifically dedicated to this task. For many it will be an afterthought, and that’s where AI descriptions will shit all over the lazy human ones. Additionally, alt text contributes to SEO which means many will be tailoring it to their search ranking instead of the needs of the user.

  • “Chinese roots” was a sub-heading. Did you read the paragraphs underneath? As for why it matters that the application and its employees are from China - pay closer attention to international relations between the US and China. The US banned Huawei because it was concerned about the influence of the CCP on the company and is in the process of banning an extremely popular mobile application currently (TikTok) because it has links to China. The US and China are major foes within the Pacific region: look at America’s behaviour around the issues of Taiwan and AUKUS. That is the important context you seem to have overlooked here.

    The most popular news application in the US having links to China is highly relevant when the two nations see each other as antagonists on the global stage, when the US has a recent history of banning popular Chinese products and services because of a purported or real link to the CCP, and when the services themselves are being used to spread misinformation and, potentially, disinformation.