Lover of Heavy Metal, Pro Wrestling, Sports, and Nerd Stuff.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • I’m the oldest of three. My younger brother is an abusive drug addict currently serving time. I never want to see him or talk to him again. Any time we are in a room together, there’s a real risk of a physical fight breaking out. Years of constant fighting both verbally and physically have taken a huge mental toll on me. The day he dies will be one of my happiest.

    My baby brother is alright. He straddled the same line drug wise but was nowhere near abusive like the other one. Hes got a reputation for being a sneaky lying thief, but he’s turned himself around. He’s more of a joy to be around.

    One good. One that’s a blood screaming hatred that’s only gonna be resolved through death. No hyperbole either.

  • This is key. A decade ago I did all three days at the New England Metal and Hardcore festival. Bodies fell from the sky on me. I got punched in the back of the head. I was almost knocked out on multiple occasions. I lost my glasses and was blind for most of the trip. What hurt the most was my feet. The pain was only alleviated when I was running around in the pit and walking back to my motel. I was in my early 20s then. I can’t imagine doing that now.

  • Kdenlive is free as in libre.

    Davinci Resolve is free as in money. It’s not open source.

    Resolve is one of the most powerful video editors around, so it might be overkill if all you’re doing is making cuts and dropping in a bed of music.

    Kdenlive is good but more geared towards Linux. I don’t know what the windows version is like.