Fine. If it helps you manage your issues, you can call it a platform. That doesn’t change the fact that there is absolutely no need to use an app to access it, and then moan about how bad that app is.
Fine. If it helps you manage your issues, you can call it a platform. That doesn’t change the fact that there is absolutely no need to use an app to access it, and then moan about how bad that app is.
Grow the fuck up. You know very well what I mean. The end user interface is a website, and does not require a special app to be accessed.
Use a browser ffs. I genuinely don’t understand why people are so obsessed with using a specific app for each website. If the reddit app is bad you can use Chrome. Or Safari, or Brave, or Samsung Browser, or Opera.
Reddit is a website.
I for one, spent time blocking what I wanted to, to curate my feed, and it took time.
If that is your general approach, why are you suddenly so eager to hand over that responsibility to the instance owner? Why are you pushing for that instances should curate the feeds of all their users, rather than the users themselves?
What a fucking disingenuous post. I can go to reddit now, and most rising posts are about things that interest me, because i subscribe to subreddits that match my interests. If you subscribe to Crypto scam subreddits, you can’t go here and whine about it. Curate your timeline, just like you need to do here.
I’m so sick off all the FUD about reddit. Yes, the reddit management are basically pure evil, I agree. But reddit itself was barely affected by the exodus.
I am very well aware of what has been happening lately. However, a lot of the arguments by reddit mods and regular users uses “the official app is literally cancer” as an axiom, rather than something that might be worth discussing. This is what I am questioning, not that reddit management has (yet again) proven themselves to be absolute pieces of shit.
Do you have anything concrete to say, or are you just trying to shame me for not being on your tantrum bandwagon?
Very mature. Perhaps you have some real arguments?
Have you considered that maybe it’s not that bad? In the last month, I have tried to find out what it is that people hate about it so strongly. But all they say is immature things like “it’s cancer”, “it’s literally cancer”, “it’s shit”.
It might not have the features that people who joined reddit in 2017 care about, but most people dgaf.
Those seem like desserts. Carbs, sugar, and cream. Not an ounce of protein.