25 years in the federal government in guns and badges, 22 of those in Corrections, then 10 years in hacker hunting and breach detection, now an information security sales engineer. Homestead farmer, amateur welder, equipment operator, electronic designer, 40 years soldering, husband and father.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • What I’m saying is that they can call themselves whatever they want but calling themselves something and actually being something are COMPLETELY different. Just as the DPRK which is anything but democratic can call itself democratic but that doesn’t make it democratic. Modern prosperity libertarians are neo-fascist extreme capitalists for the most part. They want all the freedom for themselves and enslavement for anyone who is not part of the uber class. The Koch brothers had decades to do good and did nothing but embrace their avarice and try to bring down the US government.