Did it even start as that? Or did Reddit just bought it and put it away and made something completely different?
Did it even start as that? Or did Reddit just bought it and put it away and made something completely different?
SAME its happened on Reddit where I would have a back and forth w someone where we disagreed but it was respectful, and then in the middle of it I’d notice the other person’s comments being -1 even new ones. Meaning someone who isnt in the convo would start downvoting the other person, and I’d be like ‘what if they think I did it? What if that damages a mutual understanding they were close to reaching? What if that turns them off from considering a different point of view bc they assume I’m doing it and that I’m hostile?’ Then sometimes I’d be like “sorry someone is downvoting you its not me”
Everyone, on kbin u can see who boosted , downvoted/reduced, or upvote/favourited any comment by pressing “more” then “activity”. For posts it’s at the bottom of the comment section
Yea is good to know. I knew that early bc someone said that someone else accosted them after they reduced/downvoted one of their posts
The article says
In a brief statement Friday, Sweden’s Prosecution Authority said it has launched ”a preliminary investigation where the crime classification is murder, but there is no suspect in the case.”
Maybe that is what the person meant or referrence
Afaik - feel free to correct me - this is charging companies for when they show ppl the news content on their platforms bc when that happens theres no reason for people to go on the news site, so they dont, and those companies just profitted (or at least prevented the news sites from profitting) off info that someone else wrote. Is like if u look up “lemon nutrition facts” and then all the info is just right there, sometimes you can see in the corner or bottom a link to the website that info came from but a lot of people wouldnt even go onto the site because Google already showed them the info. So thats why this was done i think ?? I think something like this was tried in Australia too and Google didnt like it then either. But idk if it went through.
One time i think r/darkhumor did a while ago like make random people mods (or is it r/darkjokes ??) and… yea lol
Better yet: “this question has been answered here <link to old question, answer does not work/doesnt apply or work anymore>”
I think is just that it depends on the person, like some ppl might be less open than others bc thats just how they are whether or not they were ND. Maybe thats just how hise personality is or how his traits manifest
It barely went down then gone basically back up… this is like those articles who say “people are FURIOUS about blah blah” and then it’s only one tweet with no likes or retweets someone saying “i kinda dislike blah blah”
That guy did NOTHING when he had a chance to stand up against what was going on. he even was mad he got banned bc he admitted he wasnt one of the ones who enacted any actions in protest, and that it was another mod who did it. Were always so annoying and bein an antagoniste just bc he knew he wouldnt get banned for it and drunk from online “power” so idrc.
Good thing for him is that usually when reddit makes a good decision is not permanent so maybe he will be unbanned soon.
Wow apparently that Alvin was built by General Mills! (Electronic division.) Like the cereal company. Also it say:
In an emergency, if Alvin were stuck underwater with occupants inside, the outer body, or cladding, of the submersible could be released and discarded using controls inside the hull. The titanium sphere would then rise to the surface uncontrolled.
That’s a good idea. I wonder if they just are not allowed to go on the alvin no matter how much they pay, and thats why they chose other option?
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