Maybe Lemmy instances should bill third party apps for API calls, hmmm?
I use ChstGPT as a slightly-higher-tech version of my desktop rubber duck. Whenever I’m stuck at work, I explain ChatGPT what I’m trying to accomplish and how, and in the process of correcting ChatGPT to actually get working code, most of the time I find a better solution during my explanations.
Haha, that’s funny. Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
Note that the pear danger band also includes the orbital space around Earth.
Is there any way to automatically edit all my Reddit comments to “fuck /u/spez” or something like that?
What all these trend chasing CEOs fail to grasp about ChatGPT is that the Neural Network is trained to return what looks like like a human written answer, but it is NOT, IN ANY CASE, GOING TO RETURN INFORMATION. If you ask ChatGPT to write an essay with sources, ChatGPT is going to write a somewhat coherent essay with what looks like sources, but it’s going to be a crapshot if the sources are even real, because you asked for an essay with sources, not an essay USING any given source. Anyways, I’m going to heat some popcorn and wait for the inevitable fake articles and the associated debacle.
Sugar is still a highly processed sweetener. Even brown sugar sold on a supermarket has gone through several processing steps. At this point, the healthiest way to sweeten your food is not sweetening it at all.
Everything in moderation. Just one or two atoms at a time.
WhatsApp is the app for pretty much everywhere BUT United States.