Yeah, his first term
Yeah, his first term
No surprise there, they might as well replace the little moving arrow with a moving ad at this point
Today’s Isis is not the same Isis as before
Trump did what he said he was going to do, Biden can’t even remember what he said he was going to do. Anyone who thinks Biden should be running things in the US is just living in denial at this point
Why, so Biden can do it and take the credit?
You posted the story saying that there were 600,000 over stayed visas in a years time claiming thats most of the illegals coming into the country. And yes, that’s fake news because it’s not true.
You’re the one who posted the numbers on over stayed visas. I’m just telling you your article is just fake news because there are more coming across the border than that by a long shot. Here’s some info on monthly numbers
Here’s one source for you, the border patrols own website
Yep, and al jazeera is nothing but a propaganda machine. This isn’t the first time they’ve been caught with their hand in the cookie jar
I’m not paraphrasing anyone, I live near the border and I’m just calling it like I see it
Yeah, 700,000 in one year and out of those 600,000 remain. Like I said, not even close. We’ve had up to 250,000 in a month crossing the border illegally
Btw, you’re wrong. There are way more people coming across the Southern border than people over staying visas. It’s not even close and at least we know who the people are that have over stayed their visa
Because millions of people are coming over it, including rapist, thieves, and terrorists destroying whole communities on their way through
If there are white people crossing the Southern border illegally it includes them to since you want to make everything about race although I don’t see any white people crossing the Southern border
Yeah, I do, and obviously it’s not the same now. These people are coming in by the millions and they’re not doing background checks at all. They’re doing background checks on the ones that are waiting to get here legally.
Andrew Tate? You sure you’re replying to the right person? Dude, I think you’re getting your messages mixed up or something
What are you talking about?
Just because we want people to come into our country legally and want to know their background doesn’t make us racist.
All the illegals coming in aren’t helping things either
He took their ability away to fund these wars, simple as that. Biden and Kamala got in office and unlocked billions for Iran.