I’m a weeb girl who’s fringe in a lot of ways. Please excuse my weird beliefs, I don’t bite :3

Political views: far left economics (socialism), conservative/traditional social views. I’m an ex-atheist, turned christian gnostic. I’m happy to chat. No hate, just pursuit of truth and proper living.

Hobbies/Interests: weebshit (anime/manga/japan), video games, romhacking, ai/tech, girly cute pink stuff, politics/religion is fun. I like the occult and conspiracy stuff too.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I’m not really sure how a decentralized storefront would work? Where would the game files be hosted? Do you mean like a federated solution, that shares the encrypted game files around per instance? Or true decentralization where there’s p2p hosting, with the devs having to run their own hosting originally before players pick up the game? The former I could see working, the latter not so much (smaller devs often don’t have a 24/7 server to run for this sort of thing).

    In terms of gui/client, I wouldn’t mind one that let’s me manage my games and isn’t “locked down” to a particular company. For instance I have both steam and epic games launchers, why can’t I just have one launcher that works with both storefronts?

    In terms of features I want for a library/store client? Options to easily access the game’s install folder. Mod manager if applicable. I’d like an auto-update feature. It’d be nice to have crypto payment options (not as required, but optionally if devs/customers wish to use). I’d like it to be able to track games outside of the storefront. For instance, so I can log what switch games I own (even if unplayable on pc). Easily able to rate games, manage my reviews for them, categorize and curate game lists. Howlongtobeat support would be cool (or it’s own game time tracker). I love seeing how long it takes to beat games, and don’t mind contributing my times (and logging it for myself). Tracking play history (what days/hours, how long, which games).

    Steam has a lot of good features. Having a customizable profile page. I wanna be able to quickly share with people my gaming tastes/preferences, have a little customizable profile thing. Find others into similar kinds of games. Groups are cool, but idk why I never feel like it’s worth it to contribute to steam groups (either feeling unwelcoming, or they’re dead lol).

    Stream/viewshare options. Along with making it easy to jump into multiplayer with someone (either joining existing play session, or starting one together).

    Tagging/categorizing/recommending games is very important, especially for a storefront. Steam’s system is dogshit for finding games I wanna play; mostly because the user tags end up mistagging a game entirely. hentai games show up for the “otome” tag, games like hello kitty get tagged as “horror”, etc. making them basically undiscoverable.

    Stuff I don’t care about would be things like those steam items/unlockables, achievements, trophies, etc. So many game platforms do this and I just don’t care. I wanna play the game, with friends if multiplayer, and I wanna find new games and share what I’m into. don’t nag me about some item shit I don’t care about lol.

    One thing that’d be cool is having an out-of-game item marketplace for player economy. For instance we see sites like https://nookazon.com/ pop up as a dedicated website. why not have that as a built in feature to the client?

    I don’t care for “curators” other than on a user level. I run a steam curator page myself, but I think this sort of thing should be per person/account. Let me recommend a game or put a little thought about it that I can share with friends or others with similar interests.

    I don’t care for steam’s “game community” thing. They try really hard to have a sort of mini-social-network for each game where you can post comments or screenshots or whatever. In the end, no one uses it seriously and it’s just spam.

    Basically: I just wanna be able to manage the games I own, track the games I have outside the platform, track my playtime, show my game preferences, easily connect with friends, and watch others or jump into game together. Steam does this pretty well in most aspects. They have a lot of fluff but that’s ignorable.

    epic games, in comparison, is just bad. the ui is laggy and slow, it’s ugly, there’s no way to curate what I like or categorize things, there’s no way to share my tastes/preferences with others, there’s no way to discover interesting new games. no way to manage mods.

    ultimately though: there needs to be games, or a way to track or launch games that aren’t sold on the platform. steam lets you add non-steam games to launch, but it’s awful, annoying, and sucks.

    also fix tags/recommendation/discoverability. I like niche stuff that people unfortunately feel the need to troll on, so discoverability ends up being difficult.

  • I would dispute this, especially on which parts of the left have positions on Ukraine

    The far left that I see and chat with are all 100% against the ukraine/russia war and think america shouldn’t be involved. It’s a pretty strong consensus there.

    the people who do not want war in Ukraine would like to see Ukraine be taken over by Russia because of anti-Americanism as a political base, and because they support fascist, imperial regimes (respectively to both sides).

    That’s an odd remark. I rarely see anyone in my circles (far left + far right) expressing pro-Russia support. But there’s pretty strong consensus that America shouldn’t be involved in it, nor in other overseas wars (middle east and such). The “peace” and “anti-war” stance is pretty popular among the left consistently, and RW do tend to support it in most cases (RW I see want to pull out of russia/ukraine, and israel/palestine, I’ve seen mixed response on other middle east conflicts). Most I see also have worries that USA will needlessly engage in war with china in the near future and wish to avoid that as well.

    Most of the pro-war people tend to be democrat/republican loyalists who have more establishment views (progressive+capitalist).

  • See here. Obviously informal, obviously people expressing “as a joke” or just trolling. These polls bias towards right wing followers. But still revealing nonetheless. In my circles I’m seeing both far left and far right move towards populist “centrist” rhetoric and labeling. Andrew Yang’s Forward Party being emblematic of that (who I just found out support No Labels).

    We also saw things like Jimmy Dore go onto Tucker Carlson’s show, both Dore and Carlson expressing discontent with the Biden/Trump matchup, and both being pushed out from more establishment MSM/DNC/GOP stuff.

    To me it looks pretty clear that many people are eager for drastic change, in a way that would clearly benefit and help the average person; with severe opposition to the establishment talking points and organizations. We also recently saw this with the covid stuff, both far left and far right joining to express skepticism over the mainstream establishment narrative.

    People are very clearly upset with the way DC politics are going. Biden is historically unpopular with everyone except his core base and progressives. Trump is pretty universally disliked except among the right (who are growing discontent with him).

    When I say a Biden election will lead to the collapse of America I say this mainly because I see the way things will go in the next few years if Biden gets reelected. The automation crisis will worsen, wealth inequality will worsen, progressive extremism will worsen, geopolitical conflict will worsen, the border crisis will worsen. And when push comes to shove it’s obvious to most people that biden will side with the larger wef/un agendas.

    America is starting to reach around 250 years, which is historically shown to be the point of collapse for empires. The establishment organizations are planning for a big 2030 political event, and I’m sure already have an entire plan for 2028 election. I imagine growing discontent with a biden or trump second term will roll in nicely to people flocking to the candidate picked for 2028 who will almost certainly be addressing automation crisis and geopolitics.

    Most people are aware biden and trump are awful, and do not like them. Most people already do not vote. and those who do vote feel “stuck” with biden/trump. Many are saying things like “I don’t like biden, but I vote for him because I don’t like Trump” and vice versa.

    Strong action is needed, but not the kind that Biden is doing.