I feel that is the issue with this post to begin with. Is it a shitpost or not? Seems more like a load of hot air to me
I feel that is the issue with this post to begin with. Is it a shitpost or not? Seems more like a load of hot air to me
That’s not a straight line, although it is possible to follow without changing direction😊
I did not in any way mean to suggest sensitivity is not a factor, only to suggest that light sensitivity may be more of a spectrum and that there are persons living in a darker world than others. So, it may not be a person on the top of the bell curve that need more light, but someone on the other end of the spectrum entirely.
Since the top comment in this thread was about needing more light in an already bright room i meamt to say that there might be reasons why people around us prefer 1 or 100000 lumen…
Apparently all eyes are not created equal in ability to transfer light to the retina. Some has narrower or wider fields of vision as well. So, where your eyes may be well adapted to low light levels, others may not be. In a world with no artificial shadows and the sun high on the sky for most of the year, being able to filter out sun light might have been a pro, while now needing lots of artificial lights to see straight.
A flayer shooter with Oz, you say? Well, the lore is there.
Totally unlike the other fielded armies globally at the moment.
No, we need to be able to keep two thoughts in our heads at the same time or we are bound to repeat the mistakes. Terror and oppression is terrible regardless of what the purpetrator and the victim are called.
Just renove the ball and it becomes obvious
Hmmm… I wonder what the elevatorpitch for a Högspänningslikströmsöverföringsanläggningservicelektriker is?
It needs to be low, but positive and keept stable. If it’s to high it will be self sustaining and increasing, if it’s negative everything stalls. 2% seems to fit the bill.
There could be an argument that 4% would have been just as good, and had the rest of the world united on 4% it would*. However, it would not have changed anything in last year’s combat of inflation. The target would have been defended just as fiercely causing just as much collateral. Only the numbers would have been slightly different.
*Ignoring for a bit those countries that has had to fight to keep inflation up.
I can’t come in today, I got a bad case of X… I don’t know, seems like a reason to self isolate already.