Fuck. Yes. My mother came from Pennsylvania Dutch stock and those were something we had every year. Now my whole family loves them.
Except they don’t “melt” when properly sealed, as the article mentions. I mean, 107 is like a cool day in Phoenix or Tuscon during the summer.
What people don’t get is that it is just using your body’s naturally produced feel good chemicals - endorphins - to make you feel better. It is no different than relying on alcohol or drugs, legal or illegal, to treat your symptoms. You still have to do the hard work to try to cure or lessen your mental illness.
Yep. Guarantee every male who is at least semi or partially able bodied who takes him up winds up conscripted and on the front lines.
For those too young or have forgetten, this is updated version. The original lacked all the racist tagging on the car and windows. In the original he was just randomly destroying stuff.
Okay, I cannot be the only person who saw a cat in the bag before realizing it was more bags?