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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023


  • Those two things are not mutually exclusive.

    A great many people in the US, Trump supporters certainly included, are experiencing uncertainty living in an economy in which the lifestyle earlier generations took for granted gets further out of reach every day - in which they find themselves ever further in debt with less all the time to show for it, and in which they’re one catastrophic illness away from destitution.

    Trump has cynically exploited that uncertainty by beating the racist, and especially anti-immigrant drum. People are primed to find somebody to blame for their misfortunes, and he’s provided them with somebody.

    And yes - to the degree that they’ve responded to his rhetoric, it’s because they were already racist enough that when he led them in that direction, they willingly followed. So as far as that goes, yes - racism really is a driving force. But their racism isn’t just some atbitrary thing that appeared out of thin air - for a great many, it’s a specific reaction to a specific set of circumstances, and those specific circumstances are largely economic uncertainty.

    It’s sort of akin to people with chronic respiratory problems ending up hospitalized during a period of high air pollution, then other people arguing about whether to blame their respiratory conditions or the air pollution. Rather obviously, “or” is the wrong conjunction - it should be “and.”

    And by the bye - that whole dynamic is a good part of the reason that Musk and Thiel and many other billionaires are supporting Trump - because they and their actions comprise the lion’s share of the real reason that that economic uncertainty exists, and Trump is not only determined to hide that fact, but to self-servingly make it so that they’ll be free to cause even more harm.

  • If “the blending of opinion with news and the promotion of… propaganda” was actually considered just cause for a low credibility rating, the Jerusalem Post would have one too.

    Curiously enough though, it doesn’t.

    One would suspect then that MBFC somehow fails to recognize Jerusalem Post’s brazen bias, but in fact they do recognize it, and point it out on their page, though they do notably only sort of mention it in passing, as if it’s not all that important. They also note two failed fact checks, yet still rate it High Credibility and Mostly Factual.

    Mondoweiss, meanwhile, receives on its page a highly emotive and hectoring account of what only really amounts to the same bias as the Jerusalem Post but in the opposite direction - pro-Palestinian and anti-zionist instead of anti-Palestinian and pro-zionist - and in spite of no failed fact checks, is ranked as Low Credibility and Mixed Factual.

    The only reasonable conclusion is that MBFC is itself biased. Which is, of course, the exact risk one invites when one entrusts a third party to purportedly rate bias.

    I can of course block it and likely will, but that doesn’t really go far enough. A purported bias watchdog that is itself biased is rather obviously an abuse of the bot system, and should therefore be banned.

  • Virtually all of the focus has been on the racists and misogynists and christofascists and all the other reactionary fuckwads who are supporting and promoting Trump and who contributed to Project 2025 and so on.

    But they don’t really matter. They’re just tools. The people who matter are the ones who are funding it all. Aside from some personal quirks (like Musk’s weirdly aggressive pronatalist thing) the people who are funding Trump and Project 2025 and such really don’t give a shit about all of that. Those are just emotive issues to make a lot of noise about to win over the base and provide cover forbthe real goal. The real goal - the exact and only reason that they’re funding all of that - is quite simply to destroy US democracy and institute an autocracy, so that they can have a system in which their rule and our submission are codified and absolute.

    This isn’t a culture war. That’s just cover for the real war, which is a class war. And it’s not a war that might happen - it’s a war that already is happening. The rich are already fighting it, and have been for quite some time now. And if we don’t do something, we’re going to lose it by forfeit.

  • Exactly.

    He’s one of the most loathsome pieces of shit to have ever sleazed his way into office anywhere - a foul, noxious, utterly repugnant psychopath who bears personal responsibility for tens of thousands of murders and for the undue suffering of millions. And he gets fucking standing ovations from people who have the gall to consider themselves worthy representatives of the American people.

    It’s grotesque. It’s so far removed from human decency or even sanity that it defies any sort of valid explanation. Sincerely, the only conclusion I can reach is that the lunatics are in charge of the asylum - that somehow we’ve ended up with a society led by monsters - by amoral, loathsome, foul wretches who are so clearly depraved that they likely shouldn’t even be allowed out in public unaccompanied, much less entrusted with power.

    It’s insane. Literally, completely, staggeringly insane.

  • WatDabney@sopuli.xyztoWorld News@lemmy.worldHas Netanyahu finally lost America?
    2 months ago

    Are we actually asking if an utterly vile, demonstrably corrupt, entirely self-serving psychopath who’s overseeing a genocide, a violent incremental land grab and repeated attempts to provoke wars with four different neighbors has “finally lost America?”

    Every time I think this timeline couldn’t possibly be more fucked up, it shocks me yet again.

  • It (Israel) submitted written comments, saying that the questions put to the court were prejudiced and “fail to… acknowledge Israel-Palestinian agreements to negotiate issues, including “the permanent status of the territory, security arrangements, settlements, and borders”.

    Imagine how brazenly dishonest one would have to be to actually, unironically try to condemn an international body for supposedly “fail(ing) to acknowledge Israel-Palestinian agreements to negotiate issues” when the specific matter at hand is ones ongoing policy of coming onto land that’s clearly desgnated as Palestinian territory, throwing the residents off (and killing them if they dare to resist), then building an Israeli-only settlement on the Palestinan land you’ve just forcibly occupied.