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    Speaking to CNN’s Kaitlan Collins on Monday night, Will Scharf, an attorney for the former president, laid out the next steps for special counsel Jack Smith’s case following the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that former presidents have absolute immunity for their official acts but no immunity for private acts.

    In a federal indictment filed in August, Trump is facing four charges pertaining to his alleged attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

    Speaking to Collins, Scharf said that Smith’s “case should be dismissed” because it concerns official acts not private ones.

    Meanwhile Trump celebrated the ruling in a post to Truth Social, writing: "BIG WIN FOR OUR CONSTITUTION AND DEMOCRACY.

    The Biden campaign, on the other hand, said the ruling would not “change the facts” that Trump tried to “overthrow the results of a free and fair election.”

    “Trump is already running for president as a convicted felon for the very same reason he sat idly by while the mob violently attacked the Capitol: he thinks he’s above the law and is willing to do anything to gain and hold onto power for himself.”

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    “By her own actions and statements, Senator Payman has placed herself outside the privilege that comes with participating in the federal parliamentary Labor Party caucus,” a government spokesperson said.Prime Minister and Labor leader Anthony Albanese was more concise: “No individual is bigger than the team.”On Monday, Ms Payman responded by saying she had been “exiled” – explaining that she had been removed from caucus meetings, group chats and all committees.The dismissal of the senator, elected in what was billed as Australia’s most diverse parliament to date, has drawn a mixed response and raised questions - mainly, whether it’s practical or fair for politicians to toe the line on issues affecting their communities.

    Ms Payman stands out in Australia’s parliament.The first and only hijab-wearing federal politician, she has been described as the embodiment of some of the nation’s most marginalised: a young woman, a migrant, a Muslim.She recounted crossing the Senate floor as “the most difficult decision” of her political career, adding that each step of her short walk had “felt like a mile”.However, the 29-year-old said she was “proud” of what she had done, and “bitterly disappointed” others hadn’t followed.

    “I walked with my Muslim brothers and sisters who told me they have felt unheard for far too long,” she said.The Israeli military launched a campaign to destroy the Hamas group which runs Gaza in response to an unprecedented Hamas-led attack on southern Israel on 7 October, during which about 1,200 people were killed and 251 others were taken hostage.More than 37,900 people have been killed in Gaza since then, including 23 over the past 24 hours, according to the territory’s Hamas-run health ministry.This has become a volatile political issue in Australia that all sides have sought to carefully manage.As has been the case in countless other countries, there have been protests from both Jewish and Muslim communities, as well as a sharp uptick in Islamophobia and antisemitism.

    The senator’s move has drawn both praise and criticism.Anne Aly - who became the first Muslim woman to be elected in Australia’s parliament in 2016 - and has been a fierce advocate for an end to the conflict in Gaza, said she disagreed with Ms Payman’s approach.“I choose to do things in a way I think will make a material difference on the ground.

    The contrasting approaches represent the changing demands of the Australian public, according to Kos Samaras - one of the nation’s leading pollsters.He says a growing cohort of young, multicultural voters are increasingly aligning themselves with politicians who aren’t afraid to take a stance on causes their constituents are “passionate about”.He also argues that migrant communities are no longer willing to accept political messaging that effectively urges them to “keep their head down”.“Australia has had a terrible history, whether from a societal perspective or political parties - that whenever someone from a diverse background expresses their view, overwhelmingly they’re told to pull their head in.”“That’s a formula that kind of works when a new group of people migrate to a country and want to keep a low profile as they’re establishing a new life – it’s not going to work with those migrant’s kids.

    And that’s exactly who we’re talking about.“These are people who have grown up in a country that has often made them feel like outsiders, and they’re no longer prepared to keep silent,” he adds, noting recent polling from his team which found that many young Australian-Muslim women feel they lack a political voice.A refugee whose family fled Afghanistan after it fell to the Taliban in 1996, it’s a sentiment that Ms Payman says guides her politics.“I was not elected as a token representative of diversity,” she said after her temporary suspension last week.“I was elected to serve the people of Western Australia and uphold the values instilled in me by my late father.”Ms Payman says that she believes the government is freezing her out to “intimidate” her into resigning.But Mr Albanese is adamant that his decision is the right one, while emphasising that it is not about Ms Payman’s “policy position” but rather, her decision to “undermine” her party.For the time being at least, the young lawmaker has vowed to “abstain from voting on Senate matters… unless a matter of conscience arises where I’ll uphold the true values and principles of the Labor Party.”

    The original article contains 1,251 words, the summary contains 719 words. Saved 43%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    The military’s attitude to a cease-fire reflects a major shift in its thinking over the past months as it became more clear that Mr. Netanyahu was refusing to articulate or commit to a postwar plan.

    General Halevi, the chief of staff, has recently tried to play up the military’s achievements, in what some analysts said was an effort to create a pretext to end the war without losing face.

    But officials also believe that several thousand Hamas fighters remain at large, hidden in tunnels dug deep underneath the surface of Gaza, guarding stockpiles of weapons, fuel, food and some hostages.

    In a rare television interview in late June, the prime minister dismissed suggestions that the war should end, but acknowledged that the military should draw down its presence in Gaza in order “to move part of our forces to the north.”

    According to the military officials, that move is needed to help the army recuperate in case a wider war with Hezbollah does break out, not because Israel is preparing to invade Lebanon imminently.

    At least some tanks in Gaza are not loaded with the full capacity of the shells that they usually carry, as the military tries to conserve its stocks in case a bigger war with Hezbollah does break out, according to two officers.

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    Khan alleges that Munir ordered agents of Pakistan’s notorious intelligence service to kill him and that the general covered up assassination attempts by squashing a police probe and burying CCTV footage.

    With transnational repression reaching the U.S. — the military reportedly detained Pakistan-based family members of rivals living in the U.S. and Canada — the crackdown is drawing increasingly stronger condemnations from American officials.

    Last week, Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., issued a video statement condemning the targeting of family members of Americans and called for sanctions to be placed on Pakistani military leaders including Munir.

    In elections this February, candidates affiliated with PTI won sweeping support, according to exit polls, before electoral rigging engineered by the military allowed a coalition government of Khan’s opposition to form.

    Khan says that the then-President Arif Alvi, a senior member of his party, had the power to block Munir’s ascension to the top military post in the country but allowed it to go forward after the general’s emissaries said he planned to stay out of politics.

    This year, the military blocked X and issued a statement denouncing “digital terrorism.” Government officials have also made reference to imposing a national firewall on the country’s internet.

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    The right-wing pundits who promoted the Federalist Society were always a little vague on what their version of “originalism” really entailed, which led to widespread suspicions that it just meant whatever was politically beneficial to conservatives.

    The ruling on presidential immunity is just the latest piece of evidence that shows that originalism was just a confidence game by the right to gain power.

    The court’s conservative majority has revealed itself to be a corrupt political machine with both short- and long-term goals.

    The court’s immunity ruling is nearly a blank check for Trump, a brazen attempt to protect him from his ongoing criminal cases and to grant him virtually unlimited power if he gets back into the White House.

    It is not hard to imagine how differently the justices would have ruled if the question of presidential immunity had come before them in a case involving a Democratic president.

    In quick succession, they have gone after voting rights, affirmative action, gun control, environmental regulations, while sending out the word that now is a good time for conservative lawyers to bring their most extreme lawsuits to the court in order to create more right-wing precedents.

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  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is expected to announce measures to improve German-Polish relations — including by compensating the still-living Polish victims of Nazi crimes — during a visit to Warsaw on Tuesday.

    “It is to be expected that the chancellor will announce that something will be done … for the people who suffered under German Nazi rule in Poland and who are still living and, for example, do not have adequate health insurance and experience poverty in old age,” Paul Ziemiak, the secretary general of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), the country’s biggest opposition force in parliament, told POLITICO’S Berlin playbook podcast.

    With the expected announcement, Scholz aims to further improve his country’s relations with Poland after Prime Minister Donald Tusk took office last year.

    The countries’ relationship sharply deteriorated under the former Polish government, which was ruled by the populist right-wing Law and Justice (PiS) party.

    Scholz is expected to announce the initiatives during a press conference alongside Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk on Tuesday.

    Security cooperation to deepen Germany’s support along the country’s eastern flank will be a key part of the consultations, according to a senior German official.

    The original article contains 536 words, the summary contains 191 words. Saved 64%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    PARIS  —  After his snap election gamble backfired, Emmanuel Macron faces a bitterly painful choice: pull his candidates out to try to stop the far right, or attempt to save what remains of his once-dominant movement before it dies.

    Europe’s second-biggest economy and the EU’s only nuclear-armed power is now closer than ever before to ushering in a far-right government for the first time, after Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) took a dramatic lead in the first stage of voting.

    If the second-round vote on July 7 delivers a parliamentary majority for the National Rally — and forecasts suggest it’s possible — France will be in uncharted waters: The country would be governed, at least in part, by politicians who made their names sympathizing with Vladimir Putin while vowing to rip up the European Union, wage war on migration and quit NATO.

    Now his centrist allies face enormous pressure to pull out of the race in many areas and advise their supporters to vote for the left-wing alliance, which includes far-left radicals, in an attempt to beat Le Pen.

    The far-left France Unbowed party and its leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon has emerged as arguably an even greater foe for the centrists than Le Pen, after a year spent fighting in the National Assembly.

    The clearest sign of the cordon sanitaire breaking came from Macron ally and former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, who explicitly called on voters to oppose the National Rally and France Unbowed, too.

    The original article contains 1,190 words, the summary contains 244 words. Saved 79%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Macron, who took office in 2017 after having incinerated France’s traditional centrist parties to create his own movement, has taken full advantage of what he called the French presidency’s “Jupiterian” prerogatives, which include the right to dissolve Parliament and stage new legislative elections annually if he wishes.

    Yet in deciding three weeks ago to do just that — call snap elections that left most of his own cabinet ministers and closest aides flabbergasted and furious — Macron laid bare the perils of investing one man of titanic self-confidence, and self-regard, with such immense powers.

    Conceivably, they could also produce a majority for the nationalist National Rally party of Marine Le Pen, which could blow up the decades-long project of European integration and hand a dream gift to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    His dizzying descent was turbocharged last month when he called the snap vote for France’s National Assembly, an unnecessary response to his faction’s drubbing in far less consequential elections to the European Parliament.

    Convinced of his own powers of persuasion, Macron, 46, unleashed a blizzard of statements, podcasts, speeches and commentary meant to justify his decision and warn against voting for the extremes.

    The ideas he holds dear — liberating markets to unleash the economy and empower entrepreneurs, and forging a unified, muscular Europe that can counterbalance Russian and Chinese power and hedge against an inconstant, unreliable United States — are strategically sound.

    The original article contains 864 words, the summary contains 234 words. Saved 73%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    David Metcalf’s last act in life was an attempt to send a message — that years as a Navy SEAL had left his brain so damaged that he could barely recognize himself.

    But just before he died, he arranged a stack of books about brain injury by his side, and taped a note to the door that read, in part, “Gaps in memory, failing recognition, mood swings, headaches, impulsiveness, fatigue, anxiety, and paranoia were not who I was, but have become who I am.

    “We have a moral obligation to protect the cognitive health and combat effectiveness of our teammates,” Rear Adm. Keith Davids, the commander of Navy Special Warfare, which includes the SEALs, said in a statement.

    In March 2014, three months after placing the frantic pre-dawn call to his wife, he went to return a few library books, dropped off a tuition check at his son’s kindergarten, and then drove to a secluded side street.

    Dr. Perl said privacy rules bar him from discussing specific cases, but members of the families who provided brains to study say the lab found interface astroglial scarring in six of the eight SEALs who died by suicide.

    Star-shaped helper cells called astrocytes in their brains appeared to have been repeatedly injured and had grown into gargantuan, tangled masses that barely functioned.

    The original article contains 2,815 words, the summary contains 219 words. Saved 92%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    For the people of the Venezuelan state of Mérida, the glaciated peaks of its Sierra Nevada have been a source of pride since time immemorial: The mountains are part of the regional identity and the origin of various legends in the area that relate them to mythical white eagles.

    It is a great sadness and the only thing we can do is use their legacy to show children how beautiful our Sierra Nevada was,” Alejandra Melfo, an astrophysicist at the Universidad de los Andes in Mérida, said in an interview with Noticias Telemundo.

    According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), they typically exist where average annual temperatures reach near-freezing levels and winter precipitation causes significant accumulations of snow.

    With the increase in global temperatures due to climate change, the melting of large ice masses is a continuous phenomenon that, among other things, contributes to raising sea levels around the world.

    “Although the end of the glacier was something that was going to happen due to the cycle we are experiencing, there is no doubt that global warming, a product of greenhouse gases, has of course accelerated the disappearance process,” Bezada said.

    The Andes region — a mountain range running through parts of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela — has seen a temperature rise of at least 0.10 degrees Celsius over the past seven decades.

    The original article contains 1,151 words, the summary contains 225 words. Saved 80%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    One of Kazakhstan’s richest men has denied wrongdoing after organising a party on a superyacht that is suspected of igniting a forest fire with a fireworks display.Daniyar Abulgazin is one of eight Kazakh nationals who were on board the luxury vessel last month, and who are being prosecuted for complicity to arson by the Greek authorities.The businessman rented the yacht Persephoni and was in the area when the blaze burnt through 300 acres on the island of Hydra, south of Athens.Greece is grappling with its first heatwave of 2024, and firefighters have been battling several wildfires every day.Initially, authorities alleged that fireworks were launched directly from the yacht, but now Greek media report they may have been launched from a beach on the island after people on Persephoni took a boat to shore.The case has sparked outrage in Greece, further fuelled by reports that the yacht’s passengers flew home shortly after the 21 June fire.In a statement, Mr Abulgazin said he had rented Persephoni for a week, and flew home the following day - which was always the plan.

    He said he had spoken to “representatives of the Greek authorities, who did not make any claims against me or my guests in connection with this incident”.He was “surprised” to later learn of the allegations being made, Mr Abulgazin said.Crew arrested after yacht fireworks spark Greece blazeVolunteer firefighter dies battling Greece blazeHe added that he was “very saddened" by the fire, but that neither he nor his guests did anything that could have led to it.

    "We strictly followed the fire safety rules established on the yacht.

    Neither I nor my guests asked the crew of the yacht or any other third parties to take any actions that could lead to a fire," he said.He also promised full co-operation with the Greek authorities in their investigation.

    Kazakhstan has no extradition agreement with Greece so they are unlikely to have to go there to face questioning.The yacht’s captain and first mate are still being detained, while 15 other crew members who were initially arrested have been released on bail with restrictions.Mr Abulgazin is a major figure in the Kazakh petroleum industry, with a personal fortune estimated at $400m (£315m).

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    Chief Justice Roberts wrote that in some circumstances, presidents must know that they have immunity from criminal prosecution; otherwise, their ability to do their jobs could be affected.

    Roberts continues that future judges also cannot find that a president’s action is unofficial “merely because it allegedly violates a generally applicable law.”

    In taking its time to craft this ruling, justices have essentially handed Trump another victory for his delay tactics.

    Conservative justices, including the Trump-appointed Neil Gorsuch, stressed that the case before them was of far more importance than just the facts of what the former president is accused of doing after the 2020 election.

    “The most powerful person in the world with the greatest amount of authority could go into office knowing there would be no potential penalty for committing crimes,” Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson said during oral arguments.

    Democratic lawmakers had pressed Alito to step aside after The New York Times reported that a flag had been flown upside down at Alito’s Virginia home following the 2020 election, an established sign of distress that at the time was viewed as a symbol of solidarity for Trump’s false claims the election was stolen.

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  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Trump is also “at least presumptively immune” from allegations that he tried to pressure Vice President Mike Pence to reject certification of Democrat Joe Biden’s electoral vote win on Jan. 6, 2021.

    He was found guilty of falsifying business records to cover up a hush money payment made during the 2016 presidential election to a porn actor who says she had sex with him, which he denies.

    Justice Samuel Alito said there was no reason for him to step aside from the cases following reports by The New York Times that said flags similar to those carried by the Jan. 6 rioters flew above his homes in Virginia and on the New Jersey shore.

    His wife, Martha-Ann Alito, was responsible for flying both the inverted American flag in January 2021 and the “Appeal to Heaven” banner in the summer of 2023, he said in letters to Democratic lawmakers responding to their recusal demands.

    Before the Supreme Court got involved, a trial judge and a three-judge appellate panel had ruled unanimously that Trump could be prosecuted for actions undertaken while in the White House and in the run-up to Jan. 6.

    Associated Press writers Lindsay Whitehurst, Alanna Durkin Richer, Eric Tucker, Stephen Groves, Farnoush Amiri, Michelle Price and Ali Swenson contributed to this report.

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    But at the same time, the court sent the case back to the trial judge to determine which, if any of Trump’s actions, were part of his official duties and thus were protected from prosecution.

    If he is reelected, Trump could order the Justice Department to drop the charges against him, or he might try to pardon himself in the two pending federal cases.

    Dissenting were the three liberals, Justices Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor and Ketanji Brown Jackson.

    Now, she will also have to decide which of the charges in the Trump indictment should remain and which involve official acts that under the Supreme Court ruling are protected from prosecution.

    Even after Judge Chutkan separates the constitutional wheat from the chaff, Trump could seek further delays, as immunity questions are among the very few that may be appealed prior to trial.

    The vote was 8-0, with Justice William Rehnquist recusing himself because of his close ties to some of the officials accused of wrongdoing in the case.

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  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    The Norwegian government has called off a plan to sell the last privately owned piece of land on the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard in order to prevent its acquisition by China.

    The archipelago is located halfway between mainland Norway and the North Pole, in an Arctic region that has become a geopolitical and economic hotspot as the ice melts and relations grow ever frostier between Russia and the west.

    A treaty signed in 1920 recognises Norwegian sovereignty over the territory but also gives citizens of the signatory powers – which include Russia and China – the same rights to exploit its mineral resources.

    “The current owners of Sore Fagerfjord … are open to selling to actors that could challenge Norwegian legislation in Svalbard,” said the trade and industry minister, Cecilie Myrseth.

    The property, in the south-west of the archipelago where no infrastructure exists, covers protected areas where construction and motorised transport are prohibited, stripping it of commercial value.

    In 2016, the government paid €33.5m to acquire the second-last piece of private land on Svalbard, near Longyearbyen, which was also reportedly being eyed by Chinese investors.

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    The decision to release Mohammed Abu Selmia, apparently taken in order to free up space in overcrowded detention centers, sparked uproar from across the political spectrum, with government ministers and opposition leaders saying he should have remained behind bars.

    Israeli forces raided Shifa Hospital in November, alleging that Hamas had created an elaborate command and control center inside the facility.

    Israel has since raided several other Gaza hospitals on similar allegations, forcing them to shut down or dramatically reduce services even as tens of thousands have been wounded in Israeli strikes or sickened in the harsh conditions of the war.

    The decision to release Abu Selmia drew harsh condemnations from government ministers and opposition leaders, as the various state organs responsible for detentions scrambled to shift blame.

    Since the start of the war, Israeli forces have detained thousands of Palestinians from Gaza and the occupied West Bank, crowding military detention facilities and prisons.

    Israeli restrictions, ongoing fighting and the breakdown of public order have hindered the delivery of humanitarian aid, fueling widespread hunger and sparking fears of famine.

    The original article contains 828 words, the summary contains 178 words. Saved 79%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

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    Two more Palestinian men, injured during a military operation in the occupied West Bank last week, have told the BBC that Israeli soldiers forced them on to the bonnet of an army jeep and drove them – sometimes at speed – along village roads.Their accounts came days after footage of 23-year-old Mujahid Abadi Balas clinging to the bonnet of what appears to be the same Israeli army jeep sparked international outrage.The BBC has now spoken to two men who allege similar treatment during the operation in Jabariyat, on the outskirts of Jenin, last Saturday.25-year-old Samir Dabaya, now in hospital in Jenin, says he was shot in the back by Israeli forces during the Jabariyat operation, and lay face-down and bleeding for hours, until soldiers came to assess him.

    “I was waiting for death.”Samir showed us video footage from a security camera which appears to show him semi-naked, lying on a fast-moving jeep with a number 1 clearly marked on its side.The location seems to match where the operation took place, but there is no date or time visible on the recording.Another Palestinian man, Hesham Isleit, also told the BBC he was shot twice during the operation in Jabariyat and forced onto the same military jeep, marked with the number 1.

    I was telling them it was very hot, and they were forcing me to get on – telling me that if I didn’t want to die, I should do it.”We put these allegations to Israel’s army; it said the cases were under review.In response to the original video of Mujahid Abadi Balas last week, the Israeli army said that he was tied to the jeep in “a violation of orders and procedures” and that his case would be investigated.“The conduct of the forces in the video of the incident does not conform to the values of the IDF,” it said in a written response.From his hospital bed, Mujahid told the BBC he hadn’t expected to survive the experience, and was saying his final prayers as he lay on the moving vehicle.He showed the BBC a second video, recorded at some distance, that appears to support his account of being thrown onto the vehicle by Israeli soldiers.

    “The soldiers picked me up by my wrists and ankles, and [swung me] right and left, before throwing me in the air.”He says he fell to the ground, was picked up and swung again, before being thrown onto the jeep, and driven to a nearby house.The army said it was in Jabariyat last weekend to arrest wanted suspects, and that during the operation “terrorists opened fire at troops, who responded with live fire”.Hesham said the house that he and Mujahid were in that day belonged to Majd al-Azmi, a neighbour and friend, who was arrested during the operation and remains in Israeli custody.All three men say they were unarmed, and all were quickly released by the army after identity checks.

    “Since 7 October, more than 500 Palestinians have been killed – more than 100 of them minors – and every day there are invasions of Palestinian cities.”Jenin has been a particular target for Israeli raids since the 7 October Hamas attacks, with more than 120 Palestinians – civilians and fighters – killed by Israeli soldiers there.But armed men still patrol Jenin camp where fighters backed by Hamas and Islamic Jihad are based, and residents in the town say there’s no sign of the war subsiding.“What the army doesn’t know is that resistance is an idea planted in the heart,” one resident said.

    If one is killed, five more will replace him.”During an Israeli operation this week, bombs buried deep in the roads around the camp hit two units as they came in – killing one soldier and wounding 16 others.This battle began long before the Gaza War, but tactics and attitudes here are shifting in its wake, and the behaviour of Israeli troops is under scrutiny in the West Bank too.This is different territory to Gaza, but it’s the same enemies, locked in the same wider war.

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  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Earlier this week, China’s Chang’e 6 lunar probe landed in Inner Mongolia, delivering the first-ever samples collected from the far side of the Moon.

    The mission has the international scientific community excited — the far side of the Moon, which permanently faces away from the Earth, remains mysterious, with only China having touched down on its surface so far.

    The controversial piece of legislation has turned into a hot-button topic, with a potential repeal becoming a “political football, tossed between hawkish factions eager to paint China as an emerging adversary in space and less combative advocates wishing to leverage the country’s meteoric rise in that area to benefit the US,” as Scientific American wrote in 2021.

    “The source of the obstacle in US-China aerospace cooperation is still in the Wolf Amendment,” China National Space Administration vice chair Bian Zhigang told reporters this week, as quoted by the Associated Press.

    While China has cooperated with a host of countries for its Chang’e 6 mission, the US likely won’t be part of the picture as scientists analyze the samples in a lab due to the Wolf Amendment.

    In a rare case of US-Chinese cooperation last year, NASA urged scientists to apply to study samples returned by the country’s Chang’e 5 mission to the near side of the Moon in 2020.

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  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Marine Le Pen’s National Rally made big gains in the first round of a snap election that could upend political orthodoxy across Europe and beyond, with implications for markets and global security that will be hard to predict.

    The French far right is skeptical of France’s role in both NATO and the EU and a victory for the National Rally in Paris would have the potential to disrupt Western alliances when they’re already under strain.

    If the early estimates are confirmed in later results, Le Pen’s party, now led by the slick 28 year-old Jordan Bardella, stands a good chance of forming a ‘cohabitation’ government under Macron’s presidency.

    “Faced with the [rise of the] National Rally, we need to foster a wide unity that is clearly democratic and republican ahead of the second round,” Macron said, according to a statement from the Elysée Palace.

    The French president shocked the nation and France’s international allies when he triggered the vote only a couple of weeks before the Olympic Games, after a humiliating defeat in June’s European parliament election.

    “I consider that no vote should be cast for the candidates of the National Rally, nor for those of [hard-left] France Unbowed,” said Philippe, who is Macron’s former prime minister and the head of center-right party Horizons.

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    The Joint Chiefs of Staff said the launch was made on Monday morning, but gave no further details, including how far the weapon traveled.

    The launch came two days after South Korea, the U.S. and Japan ended their new multidomain trilateral drills.

    It called the drill an Asian version of NATO that openly destroys the security environment on the Korean Peninsula and contained a U.S. intention to exert pressure on Russia and lay siege to China.

    The North’s Foreign Ministry said it will “firmly defend the sovereignty, security and interests of the state and peace in the region through offensive and overwhelming countermeasures.”

    Meanwhile, North Korea opened a key ruling party meeting Friday to determine what it called “important, immediate issues” related to works to further enhance Korean-style socialism.

    On the meeting’s second-day session Saturday, leader Kim Jong Un spoke about “some deviations obstructing” the county’s efforts to improve its economic status and unspecified important tasks for resolving immediate policy issues, North Korea’s state media reported Sunday.

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