Thank you, more than my post can possibly communicate, for that explanation
Thank you, more than my post can possibly communicate, for that explanation
Could you help me wrinkle my brain a bit today? I feel like I should know why you say you understand the aggression, but I don’t, and I really want to
Edit: And I hope this doesn’t come off like false naïveté, I am being sincere, please assume Chris Pratt “I’m scared to ask” intentions here
How do they work?
Excuse me, old woman!
Fred Durst made this meme
A møøse ønce bit my sister
He’s not our president anymore! Yet!
Fuck cancer all the way. Every step further in stopping it is a win. And this seems like it might be a particularly great step.
The Venn Diagram of people who drive obnoxious gas-wasting vehicles like that and people who are assholes is a circle
The driver is a POS and people are allowed to have toys. There is no conflict between those positions.
I was just gifted a dictionary of etymology. The Barnhart one. I might be leading you down a dark path here, but you may want to consider adding it to your word-lookup routine if you’re having fun with what you’re doing already.
Canada Man is an absolute king! Florida Man, you better start taking notes.