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Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • danielfgom@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlProtip:
    1 year ago

    The coke is the unhealthiest part ironically. The burger is the healthiest part because if you don’t put loads of sauce, it’s pure beef, lettuce and tomato with a roll. All healthy ingredients.

    The chips are medium- healthy, the problem being the oil. So only have a few if you can, preferably without salt.

    Something like KFC is far worse because the chicken is coated in crumbs and deep fried - LOADS of bad oil.

  • This is a very difficult position to be in. One the one hand no one should be refused service for any reason except the they were causing a disturbance or were extremely rude, unruly or criminal.

    On the other hand no one should be forced to do something that clashes with their beliefs. If a fat 5 client approaches you to make a gay website and you’ll be putting up pictures of sexual acts etc which might disagree with you 4 beliefs or conscience, you should have the right to say “sorry but this job is not for me. It makes me uncomfortable and I cannot bring myself to do it. Please find another web designer” they should also have that right. It’s not discrimination because he’s not doing it to cause then harm, he’s just saying he’s not comfortable to do that. And that’s fine. No one should be able to force him.

    Hopefully this law protects the rights of both parties.

  • You won’t be forgiven no matter what. If you carry on sinning, there is no more forgiveness. The only thing you can expect is to be thrown into outer darkness forever where you will be mourning and regretting your decision.

    Put it this way: you drove drunk and killed someone. You’ve been given the death penalty by the judge. But a person called Jesus steps in and says “I’ll take his place. Let him go free”.

    Would you ever drink drive again after someone died in your place to give you a second chance? Surely not! You would be sober, very grateful and even yet to help other people not make the same mistake.

    It’s the same with sin. Jesus paid a HEAVY price to redeem you. Don’t spit in his face by carrying on with the same sins. Instead be grateful and find out how you should live instead.

    Read the 10 commandments in Exodus 20. And also read the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) to see how Jesus further explains and practices these.

    The goal is to become holy like Jesus

    Hope that helps.

  • I don’t like them. I think they are trying to be Apple and I hate that because it means higher prices, fewer features. No headphone jack, no SD card slot, no dual SIM, high prices.

    That’s not meant to be the Android way. Android is all about choice and options. That’s what I love about Sony, and why I have a Sony Xperia 10iii - they give you more: award winning design, sleek form factor, fantastic cameras, headphone jack, SD card slot, dual SIM, waterproofing, easily removable SIM tray, notification LED, battery care, long battery life, great OLED screen, NFC, HiRes audio on wired and wireless, MP3 upscale to improve music quality on MP3 tracks, great video recording (up to 4K on mine), support app built in, fast stock launcher will little bloat. I’m even a fan of the dedication Google Assistant button and use it all the time.

    And the price was great because I got it on sale for just €350.

    That’s how Android should be: options, choice, value for money

    Edit: I forgot to mention that Sony allows unlocking the bootloader if you want to install other ROM’s like Sailfish, Lineage etc

  • I was using an LG V30 for the past few years. Needed to replace it as the battery wasn’t lasting anymore.

    Like you a headphone jack is a must. So I got a Sony Xperia 10iii because that’s all I could afford. I would ideally like the Xperia 5 but it’s way out of my budget.

    Still, the 10iii is a great phone and does everything I need it to. It’s fast, takes good photos, has a good display and size and great battery life.

    If you don’t want Sony the only other phone I’m aware of in the premium segment is Asus ZenFone 9 (the 10 is launching next month) which had rave reviews and was even phone of the year I think. It reminds me alot of my V30 in many ways.

    If your budget is low like mine, look at the Sony Xperia 10v which just launched. It has better speakers, cameras, OIS, and battery compared to mine.

    Or look at Samsung as they tend to have a headphone jack in the budget segment. A54 I think has good reviews.

  • I’m using a Sony Xperia 10iii which I got at the end of December to replace my aging LG V30. Got the white one because black was sold out. Which is ok as I actually quite like white.

    Likes: Compact, tall, slender, beautiful design, great cameras, fast/responsive UI, headphone jack, SD card slot, 21:9 OLED screen, 2 day battery life

    Dislikes: cases and accessories not available in my country. Have to import them.

    I’ve had numerous phones starting with a Siemens, then Nokia 3310, then a Panasonic flip phone, then an iMate SP3 Windows phone, various Windows phones, Symbian phones, HTC window phone. Then got the iPhone 3G, HTC Wildfire, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5C. Then jumped to Android and got Sony Xperia Z2 which is my favourite of all time. That was a brilliant phone at the time and I even took photos underwater in the pool!

    Then I had OnePlus X, Moto G, iPhone 7(terrible phone, got replaced twice), LG V30 and now Xperia 10iii.

    I’m Android and Linux all the way (my Mac Mini runs Ubuntu) but I used to be a massive Apple fan. However after Steve died the company took a turn to the dark side and it’s all about greed now.

    I buy my phones outright when possible because I don’t like debt and contracts. This means I often have to sell my old phone to subsidize the new one, but that’s ok. It also means I never have a premium phone unless I get it used, or in the case of the V30, the Carrier still has old stock they want to get rid of. My Mobile carrier still had one V30 on the shelf from 2 years ago and they sold it for EUR240 just to get rid of it, so I bought it. Sold the iPhone 7 for EUR200 and just added 40 on top :-)