I’m David. I live in Tacoma, Washington. I do square foot gardening, home automation with Home Assistant, and have too many cats.

You think you saw me behind some ferns? You just might have!

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • We had a windstorm last week and one of my tomato trellises snapped, ohhh noooo! The good news is all the vines survived with minor injuries and are on a new trellis.

    I’ve been getting ground cherries by the handful! Time to make jam…

    We’ve been getting green beans galore, the peppers are peppering, and the corn continues to corn!

    I’m very happy, as my pumpkin vines decided to grow four new gourds! Hooray! The kabocha I’m growing is also doing great, and has a couple new gourds as well! We won’t starve this winter!

    The bad garden news is two out of my five cucumber vines have perished, for no real reason I can tell :(

  • Those are some lovely blooms! Bee pics plz.

    Our tomatoes are finally blushing!

    The peppers are all peppering, including this CHAMP Shishito matching the pepper size of the others! You grow on now! (All the other Shishito plants are normal size)

    I’ve got a decent number of Kabocha squash growing, exciting!

    And a number of Hubbard squash hanging around getting big!

    For some reason, most of our sunflowers didn’t come up this year. Only a few did, and they all seem to be facing away from the sun??

    I’ve been trying to grow marigolds for Día de los Muertos as we always seem to get to the holiday week and have to scramble to find them. It’s going well!

  • It’s a busy spring for me! This is year two in a new home, and I’ve started converting larger chunks of boring grass into wildlife gardens and raised beds. So far this year I’ve put together:

    • New herb garden - Thyme, oregeno, borage, chamomile, sage, you name it! Already Planted!

    • A small cornfield - currently growing crimson clover and lettuce greens.

    • A small squashfield more crimson clover! And getting the eventual companion beans going!

    • A small wildlife garden - sunflowers, more clover, blue hubbard squash, and scarlet runner beans. Food for critters (and also trap crops to keep em off the human food!)

    • A second raised bed (for square foot gardening) - Currently has little gem lettuce, red fire lettuce, oak fire mustard greens, carrots, turnips and moooooore~

    • I also got a small plastic greenhouse this year, so now I have TEN MILLION tomato babies. Hooray! The peppers I’m growing are not quite ready for transplanting yet, but they’ll get there.