after the friendship pandas??? joe how could u
after the friendship pandas??? joe how could u
i wonder why lol
god it’s so refreshing that the IOF doesn’t have a posting presence on lemmy
it’s about the scale at which these items are consumed - eating meat every day was pretty much unheard of until the advent of capitalism
i’m glad we’ve all decided to ignore rule 10 😁
i’m doubting there will be a large exodus… why wouldn’t they be here already?
my understanding was that affirmative action is about creating a diverse student body
damn i’m gonna die one day
tbf the jokes were very much on the nose back when the show first aired too…
i feel like this falls apart pretty quickly lol
sike lol
i don’t get how videos can be on shuffle? is it like an android thing
this has downvotes because people are afraid of the truth
misread it as ! and got confused
do they know where the banging is coming from?
holy shit ngl i thought it was toast
i feel like i used to feel that way but grew out of it as i got older