someone could stock stock stock photo photos and share them with the rest of us
Yeah but also has like another taste (I don’t salt much)… Maybe starch or something?
If you use the minimum and precise amount of water, water will be completely evaporated when pasta is done, so you won’t have to strain. I don’t know why, but this makes pasta so much tasteful.
Fennec (android) and Firefox (PC) for most people
I would bet you didn’t read the Terms of Service and/or Privacy Policy when you created your google account. Check out
Keepassxc works great with nextcloud sync
You don’t need a data breach to be worried if your data is already on google drive.
I have to say I learned both english and portuguese mainly through listening and singing music while reading the lyrics. I also use these tools when teaching English students, and have found them to be very successful. Of course you should complement with engaging in conversations, writing, etc. But for me, music is the number one resource when learning a new language.