Thank you! I’ve been trying to get an app to stay open. I thought I was losing my mind. Just set it to allow notifications. Your a legend. I could not find that info elsewhere online.
Thank you! I’ve been trying to get an app to stay open. I thought I was losing my mind. Just set it to allow notifications. Your a legend. I could not find that info elsewhere online.
207.23 for me. Not enabled
But 20% within 6 years seems absurdly high. Unless 25%+ of the land is already designated as ‘nature’ then all they need to do is not turn it into a parking lot. Still a pretty big ask.
Just a heads up, they released the watch and buds internationally yesterday. They are mostly selling on Amazon and Ali express now I read from an email I got. Here’s the list if you’re still interested
You guys are wearing socks?!
Imagine if they put a fraction of that money into…I donno…actually making their search algorithmically competitive.
They weren’t. Source: time traveler from the future
Nope. It’s pretty new, only seen it on YouTube. But that’s the one I’m digging.
Id look into this If memory serves it’s like $60
The dark timeline: Why suppress abortions to create more workers when you can just create sub humans and never pay them a dime?
Try handbrake maybe Might not be exactly what you want but something to look at while you wait for other answers.
If you are actively making 4k videos through, I think it might be time for you to upgrade. can do what you want I think.
Can I ask why your trying to drop nextcloud? I only really hear people raving about it. Been considering setting it up for myself.
Maybe also check out anytype
About 15 billion USD per year