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Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • As an Australian, originally from Ireland I’m surprised California would be hottest place. I would have though Australia or middle east would be hotter than California. I’ve loved a summer in San Diego and it was hot but not stifling. Sydney is not crazy hot by Australian standards and its oppressive heat when a heatwave comes.

    Saying that, I’m now more familiar with how much humidity plays a part. Dry heat like 40degrees in Adelaide is much more comfortable than humid 35 in Sydney. When its 43 in Sydney, its best to stay inside. I’ve never been to Greece but if its similar to other Mediterranean countries, I’d say its moderately humid, rather than dry. California is similar I’d imagine, but a little drier.

  • Difficult to manage their supply chains? This means look the other way.

    If they really wanted to, they could very easily avoid north Korean outsourcing. I have never accidentally outsourced to north Korea.

    Check the contracts as part of the investigation. If there was no requirement to keep confidentiality or prevent the use ofnslave labor, its willful. If there was and there were nonchecks, its effectively the same thing.

    Fine the company double the total amount they paid to outsource at a minimum. It would be interesting if we had fines based on total revenue. As an original for amazon, that’s a huge chunk of change. Of course, the company would be legally distant from the main ownership, but one can dream.

  • No, I get the point. I also realize that overtourisn is bad, by definition. Tourism is not inherently bad, though.

    By artificially worsening tourism like this, it will lead to less tourists, butbalsona poorer experience for other tourists. This will lead to a reduction in investment in infrastructure, or amenities, like the Rijksmuseum. Locals benefit from the money tourists bring in more ways than just being a business that is tourist facing.

    Yes, the hotels can renovate. But only to reduce capacity. The reason for hotels to renovate is competition or increase capacity. Without either, why bother. It will be less hassle and more profitable not to renovate. That’s my issue. Its inventivising decrepid hotels and bad infrastructure.

    Tourism broadens the mind. We should look at more sustainable tourism and using tourism money as a tool to rejuvenate, rather than impinge.

    Airbnbs often get blamed, but if hotels were sufficient and reasonable, airbnb becomes a poor proposition with its silly rules and extra hassle. We should appropriately tax and regulate what is now unregulated. Compact Eco friendly hotels in less congested areas encourages responsible tourism.

    Its like bike culture, there. If you want people to move from cars, you don’t let the roads deteriorate to dangerous levels. You ensure there is alternative infrastructure like public transport and bicycle lanes.

  • There is some benefit in not letting perfect be the enemy of good. There is also overtones window shift. Accepting his leadership as normal will tend to normalose it.

    If the bar is only as high as let’s not be completely useless and dysfunctional, they are better off politically ,and the country is better off, by letting the crazy side show their craziness as a negative. They will shown the people, and by extension, more moderate Republicans.

    The reason the crazies took over is that they offered political advantage by courting the racist, bigoted vote. Moderates held their nose and went with it. They feared losing power on an individual basis as well as collectively. All politics is loacal. So if the crazies mean your voters stay home or are more likely to flip, you are more likely to disagree with them and push the out. If they are winning you elections, that’s not going to happen.

  • Seems odd, to purposely restrict income. It would be worse for residents long term if necessary infrastructure is absent. Without new hotels, older hotels will become decrepid. There will be no appetite to refurbish where additional rooms cannot be added.

    Surely it would have been better to build new hotels in areas that need an influx of construction or people. It would take time but should revitalise areas. If drug tourism is the problem, then make efforts tonstop that, not hamstring tourism in general.

    In sating that, they may have already tried. I know they have already made restrictions on drug purchases for residents only a fewbyrsrs ago. Perhaps its not working. It just seems like this would be a verybslow fix, where the negative effects are also very slow and difficult to correct later.