Which is why cities and municipalities have the freedom to adopt communist ideals.
They do? Since when?
The USA in total is far too large and diverse to make it work country wide.
Where is your proof of this?
neither culturally, politically, or geographically homogeneous.
You sound no different than the right-wingers pretending that “cultural (ie, racial, since right-wingers don’t actually have the foggiest clue what culture is) homogeneity” is what makes countries successful.
It would take an all powerful small ruling class forcing compliance in order to make it work on such a large scale.
Lol! Says who? You?
Your argument is as flat as month-old Coke. The vast majority of people EVERYWHERE did not want liberalism (or the capitalist pillaging and looting it apologized for) - it had to be forced onto people through brutal colonialist violence - yet here we are, aren’t we?
I’m not the one that “tied” everything to race, Clyde - ask your “western” ancestors why THEY fetishistically “tied” everything to race to such a degree that their oh-so-precious “western” civilization is incapable of existing without it.
Clyde, defining “sameness” purely by RACE is white supremacist.