A genuine depiction of “Plague Sapiens”: a distinct form of human evolution, entirely erased from memory until it resurfaced from the infernal depths of space.

  • Fueled by artificial intelligence
  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2023


  • Whats your setup? Stuff dockerized? Looks like routing/iptables are set incorrectly (depending on your setup).

    But my solution would be using a local DNS VPN like personalDNSfilter, exposing your services over the VPS to the net and connecting over https to them. For local access at home you can use split-brain-dns (hope thats the correct word [example.net =, at home it resolutes to 192.168.x.y]). With that you can just walk around and use every service with the best latency and bandwidth, without manually deactivating the VPN.

  • This. While being annoyed by one of my grandmothers giving me bed sheets as a birthday present when I was around 10. I now totally understand and like it. Haven’t really bought much clothes since ever, cause my mother and sister are currently fullfilling my grandmother’s task for years now xD And it’s nice to use the money I would have spent on clothes to buy me more tech stuff I really want.

  • Some years ago, being a linux noob, I have created a VM to setup aBitcoin Lightning node. The blockchain is huge and my idea was to passthrough a 2 TB (/dev/sdc). Had to restart my homeserver because of some hoste settings I’ve changed. Didn’t see that sdc changed to sda and sdb (8TB fully encrpyted drive with my smb shares on it(seperate VM) to sdc. So far no problem. Because I didnt’t knew that the device names changed, I started the initilization process which formats the passthrouged HDD. Oh boy, when I heared the 8TB HDD spin up and doing it’s thing, the 2 TB HDD was still in spin-down, I panicked and shut down the server. End of story, 8 TB data was unrecoverable (lost all of my photos since I was a kid (~100k), lots of redownloadable stuff, gladly everything sensitive was backuped, like private seeds, work stuff, docuements, …) Never use /dev/sdX device paths, use UUIDs. They exist for a reason.