And the most ridiculous (or inclusive) thing are tiresizes in Europe (perhaps somewhere else, too?). 195/55r16 195 is the width in millimeters 55 is the height in percentage of the width R16 is the radius of the wheel in inches
That rocket that crashed because of usage of different units seems to differ.
Nice to hear and the recipe change sucks. Dont know if you are German. Augustiner released a alcfree helles, which actually tastes good. Most alc free helles taste really bad.
If its just a habbit, perhaps try an alcohol free one instead sometimes. If you need the buzz the relax, probably try to find something else as an alternative. Daily drinking is no joke, even if its totally normal for some peergroups.
That doesn’t sound healthy, thought.
Jujutsu kaisen has entered the chat.
(But only if you are some random website who thinks the original release timeline isn’t “the correct way”)
“mildly” infuriating