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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • But they haven’t found the facial database and Invenda claims they don’t have one, right? Their story is that the machine takes an image, runs some local processing to determine demographic info about the user/customer/target/victim, and then stores that instead of storing the image or biometrics.

    There’s a good chance they’re lying but claiming the database has been “revealed” when no one has found it yet seems like sensationalism.

    Edit: “Secret demographic database derived from facial recognition” would be true but sounds less snappy, I guess?

  • Had a bunch of friends in college but we all lived in the same hallway, so when we wanted to talk as a group we just… talked in a group. Other than that we somehow got along texting individually. That was before everyone had switched to smartphones, anyway; I started college in '07, before the iPhone.

    Then I moved a few times over the last decade+, and the people I’m still talking to are separated by thousands of miles of space and years of my life in terms of when I knew them in person.

    And like I said, when I’ve been in groups organized around an activity like D&D, we’ve had chats for scheduling, but they pretty much stayed on topic and didn’t become, like, friend-group-chats.

  • This is fascinating to read as someone who has never been “in a group chat” in the way this writer uses them. I’ve been in groups for scheduling activities before, or in work groups, but they were always used pretty strictly for scheduling or conveying activity- or work-related info. None of the people I chat with recreationally know each other.

  • From 1962, the GDR also introduced general compulsory military service for all men between the ages of 18 and 26 for a basic military service of 18 months. The only recognized reason for refusal was religious conviction.

    So if you believed in a god who told you it was immoral to serve in the military you didn’t have to, but if you believed it was immoral because you came to that conclusion by thinking critically about the arguments for and against military service, you were just fucked?

  • I think most of them think the last real pope was Pius XII, and yeah he was the guy who signed the Reichskonkordat with the Nazis, which required priests in Germany to take an oath of loyalty to the German Reich.

    He actually did that as Secretary of State before he became pope, on behalf of the previous pope, so they were both fash.

    The reason sedevacantists dislike his successor, John XXIII, is that they are really upset about the Second Vatican Council introducing ideas like “the beneficial nature of diversity” and “concern for secular human values.” That’s the moment when they think the church went off the rails.