How am I suppose to act normal at a party now?
How am I suppose to act normal at a party now?
I am impressed that you have the courage to double down further exposing your lack of understanding to what I am saying. Why do you think society created woman only sport leagues? Why do they seperate prisons by gender?
Again I have no problem if someone transitions. My problem is when they demand that I compromise the truth to not hurt their feelings. My problem is when protections for the differences of gender are under attack by people who are pretending to be something they can never be. One truth is compromised for feeling, the integrity of our system of structure is lost.
Get over your petty feelings on the matter, get back to me when you have an argument and please address me as king, peasant.
Great, now explain the science on how it is possible to change an inherited characteristic outside of playing pretend?
Congrats on completely missing my point. The examples you listed don’t require other people to change their behavior to accommodate them. On the other hand transgenders demand other people suspend truth to play along with their transition.
You are missing what I fear, and it is not transgender people. I fear the dissolution of truth to accommodate the needs of a remedy that will never be able to cure the original condition. This fear is starting to be realized as protections put in place to protect the differences in gender are under attack.
Truth does not equate to a lack of empathy, you just can’t handle the truth.
My problem is not with the remedy to a serious issue of body dysphoria. Nor with people practicing something that is well within their rights, especially if it helps their condition which research shows is amongst the most effective. Individuals should be free to do anything they please with the caveat it doesn’t affect other people.
And I am not talking about hate from transphobes, fuck those guys. I am speaking from a well established scientific fact that sex is very much a concrete inherited attribute decided by combining two genders of DNA at conception. Organic life as we know it is more effective in the fight of evolution when more than one gender is required for reproduction.
I will fight for the integrity of truth with no exception. It is NOT possible to change genders, nor race, nor animality. I would love to become a tree but will have a hard time realizing that dream. We can still be accepting without compromising the power of truth. End of rant, thanks for reading.
Seeing his behavior at the RNC recently he is nothing short of a selfish, pompous asshole who thrives on the postitive reinforcement generated from the dumpster fire of his own ego.