Individualist, Capitalist, Objectivist, Liberal, Transhumanist. Linux User + Certified, Programmer (Web Dev, Rust, a little Python), AI Tinkerer (Mostly Stable Diffusion), Gamer, Science Lover, #NAFO🇺🇦
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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023
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Probably because it is… Cannabis smoke isn’t that healthy overall, but it’s found to be safer than Tobacco smoke is at least. It doesn’t carry nearly the carcinogenic risks of tobacco, and afaik, it doesn’t carry the same risks for COPD, chronic bronchitis, etc. Though longer term studies would be needed for those to get real data to know for sure.
Probably because it is… Cannabis smoke isn’t that healthy overall, but it’s found to be safer than Tobacco smoke is at least. It doesn’t carry nearly the carcinogenic risks of tobacco, and afaik, it doesn’t carry the same risks for COPD, chronic bronchitis, etc. Though longer term studies would be needed for those to get real data to know for sure.