Does kasm only work in docker containers like the Firefox container I’m using ? Or is it like a mini VM?
I don’t pay - I can use 4 for a little bit then it returns to 3.5 and after like an hour I can use 4 again. And I signed up with a rrlayued proton email
I also made a serverbox appreciation post a few days ago - love that program.
I can also recommend audiobookshelf - I also use it to auto download podcasts
I just encrypt the whole backup drive and sync the files to that drive.
Is that also a nice UI for watching? I thought it was only convenient for the downloading part
That sound pretty cool - do these separate containers exit through the same network ? Or do you have like separate vpns?
Yeah that also wouldn’t sit right with me.
My server is not headless (I installed GNOME) but runs without a screen connected. and the Firefox container does run kasmvnc.
I just read that tailscale and mullvad offer a joint service where traffic outside your tailnet always exits through mullvad
That’s a pretty good use case with the router - I’m gonna try that
It’s a little laggy and not mobile optimized, so it wouldn’t be the vest choice for a smartphone
You’re welcome : )
Oh that’d be really cool
Hahah yeah whatever that is
Also love it - I use it to auto download my podcasts
I started self hosting 3 years ago when I got wind of tailscale. I’ve always cared about privacy and building things so that was great.
My infrastructure consists of two machines.
One - my personal and work server A deskmini i3 12th gen
256GB Boot drive 4TB NVME data drive
-photoprism -syncthing -nextcloud -Firefox+VPN -archivebox
Two - my media server that I let 6ish other people access - PC tower i3 12th gen
512GB Boot and docker config file drive 4*4TB HDD mergerfs for raw data
-jellyfin -*arr suite -gluetun VPN -audiobookshelf (also for auto downloading podcasts) -calibre-web
Yeah is a browser within a browser. I would say that it’s definitely more secure and you can just close the window and continue exactly where you left off. Also if you have multiple devices that’s a pretty cool feature.