Not actually a shower thought, saw an old document that labeled it air-port. I don’t think I would have ever made the connection.
(I’ve found people can be rude about word breakdowns, but I’m posting it anyway. Be better.)
Not actually a shower thought, saw an old document that labeled it air-port. I don’t think I would have ever made the connection.
(I’ve found people can be rude about word breakdowns, but I’m posting it anyway. Be better.)
Then the word alphabet comes from alpha and beta, the first two letters of the Greek writing system.
If we had gotten the word directly from the Phoenicians, we might probably call it alephbeth instead.
Just a couple of nights ago it hit me that the word geometry comes from Geo: Earth and metron: measure.
Etymologies can suddenly snap into focus things that have been right there in front of our eyes all our lives, but never thought to notice.
I’ve never felt more like the smartest dumbass for realizing one on my own.
Algebra is an Arabic word. Al-gebra. Presummably it translates to “The Pain”
You are going to hate Trigonometry and Calculus