legalization could also bring in taxes if they make a Vetter law than Germany. Add a legal market, tax it and earmark it for infrastructure & education.
Nah, commericalization is the cancer that ruins everything. Germany did it exactly right. Allowing corporations to control the market around drugs is obviously a bad idea.
I was thinking the other day that they may have made it illegal again so they can search someone when they smell it. Under a law where it’s only legal to have a certain amount, I wonder if they can assert the same control under suspicion that they have too much.
You can get up to 14 years in prison for selling cannabis and up to 5 years for just possession in the UK.
I have a suggestion for who you can release first.
legalization could also bring in taxes if they make a Vetter law than Germany. Add a legal market, tax it and earmark it for infrastructure & education.
Nah, commericalization is the cancer that ruins everything. Germany did it exactly right. Allowing corporations to control the market around drugs is obviously a bad idea.
Can you imagine the marketing though?! Man they’d have some fun with that.
I’m imagining the PG tips monkey making an appearance.
Is it tax dodgers? I bet it’s tax dodgers
There must be a few thousand of them:
I was thinking the other day that they may have made it illegal again so they can search someone when they smell it. Under a law where it’s only legal to have a certain amount, I wonder if they can assert the same control under suspicion that they have too much.