Usernames checks out. This. Not a lawyer, but this is gold right here. Because science. F in the chat, my dude. That escalated quickly. ELI5? Happy cake day! 5/7 with rice. Take my upvote and go. We did it, Reddit! You. I like you. Good bot. I’m not crying, you’re crying. Instructions unclear, got stuck in ceiling fan. Plot twist: OP is the real MVP. I’m here all day folks. Ah, the ol’ Reddit switch-a-roo. Absolutely not me_irl. Risky click of the day. Came here to say this. OP’s mom has entered the chat. /s, but honestly, can confirm, am banana. Edit: thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
Also * shudder * as if people were roleplaying with their 6 foot tall cat gfs with those asterisks and shit, i was a lurker for obvious reasons but even i wanted to say “just write some sentences dude”
Here we are recreating the exact same communities with the exact same content and the exact same jokes.
Maybe if we want to stop focusing on reddit we need to stop trying so hard to be reddit.
The problem with reddit was never the content, communities, or jokes…
Usernames checks out. This. Not a lawyer, but this is gold right here. Because science. F in the chat, my dude. That escalated quickly. ELI5? Happy cake day! 5/7 with rice. Take my upvote and go. We did it, Reddit! You. I like you. Good bot. I’m not crying, you’re crying. Instructions unclear, got stuck in ceiling fan. Plot twist: OP is the real MVP. I’m here all day folks. Ah, the ol’ Reddit switch-a-roo. Absolutely not me_irl. Risky click of the day. Came here to say this. OP’s mom has entered the chat. /s, but honestly, can confirm, am banana. Edit: thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
Also * shudder * as if people were roleplaying with their 6 foot tall cat gfs with those asterisks and shit, i was a lurker for obvious reasons but even i wanted to say “just write some sentences dude”
The front fell off
To be fair that is a national treasure in my country. And we’re happy to share.
Oh, it’s a fantastic skit and I still find it hilarious.
It’s just annoying when the punchline was posted to literally anything that’s broken.
This is a little disturbing and should probably be its own post.