It’s a pretty good introduction for those who don’t care for swearing and sexual jokes. Better than Apples to Apples, I’d say. Could use room for improvement, I’ve been meaning to put together a combination of the full game and expansions that my whole family can play
That’s just Apples to Apples
It’s a pretty good introduction for those who don’t care for swearing and sexual jokes. Better than Apples to Apples, I’d say. Could use room for improvement, I’ve been meaning to put together a combination of the full game and expansions that my whole family can play
I’ve only played apples to apples once and nobody was interested in being funny. They always picked the best match, not the card that was funniest.
This is also known as the worst way to play Fibbage.
You mean asking the game to create a lie for you because you’re so terrible at improvising is not the right way to play? Phew!
I played Apples to Apples once and I was the asshole trying to play the game for real, lol
At this point in my life, every person with whom I’ve played this game has died.
It seems like that would be unlikely, but probably best not to tempt fate.
You aren’t supposed to use the cards as a template!
There’s an apple a day joke there somewhere.
Apparently, the idiom was created by the funeral industry, not unlike the “tradition” of diamond wedding rings, etc.
a whole apple a day causes a buildup of cyanide, killing you early and thus creating more demand for coffins
What did you do to them?!
Ive played this version with my nephews before. You can still be raunchy, but you’ve got to be a bit more creative with innuendo.
My favorite card in that game is “Republicans”