Most of the stuff needed, like Resistors, Capacitors, Transistors, MOSFETs and so on, will be not very expensive and might be already in your sortiment, if you do electronics already.
Most expensive stuff are the PCB itself (~3€/pc) , the sensors (BME280 ~4€), the ESP8266 D1 (~4€), and XT60 Connector (~4€) :)
Sounds amazing. What is the aproximate cost for all the parts needed?
The author gave me the estimate 30-40 Euro.
@kwomp2 @django Test 123 Post from Mastodon :D
I think , depending on your source, it will be around 30-40 Euro. In the Release for the PCB i added a BOM:
Most of the stuff needed, like Resistors, Capacitors, Transistors, MOSFETs and so on, will be not very expensive and might be already in your sortiment, if you do electronics already.
Most expensive stuff are the PCB itself (~3€/pc) , the sensors (BME280 ~4€), the ESP8266 D1 (~4€), and XT60 Connector (~4€) :)
Thanks y’all