You probably should include a legal disclaimer.
if using this in an area where cannabis growing is illegal, this is intended for growing oregano. Happy growing!
Grandfather: “How is your garden”
Grandson: “Needs a firmware update”
Well atleast its not cloud bound:
Everything is dead, because the Company has a new model.
Growing things is so dependent on cloud providers. /sMost plants are dependent on cloud providers, it’s why drought is such an issue in deserts.
It was a joke about cloud-based growrooms:
If your router decides to give up, your cannabis will be dead. At least your indoor grow…
Sounds amazing. What is the aproximate cost for all the parts needed?
@kwomp2 @django Test 123 Post from Mastodon :D
I think , depending on your source, it will be around 30-40 Euro. In the Release for the PCB i added a BOM: of the stuff needed, like Resistors, Capacitors, Transistors, MOSFETs and so on, will be not very expensive and might be already in your sortiment, if you do electronics already.
Most expensive stuff are the PCB itself (~3€/pc) , the sensors (BME280 ~4€), the ESP8266 D1 (~4€), and XT60 Connector (~4€) :)
Thanks y’all
The author gave me the estimate 30-40 Euro.
A easy to use DIY grow controller firmware (for cannabis).
It would be “an [easy-to-use D.I.Y. growth] controller firmware”, but ‘firmware’ isn’t a countable so doesn’t need that article.
It’s neat how that’s two mistakes in one letter.
So the “a” at the beginning can be dropped?