Correct. However, if you buy frozen ones, you do need to heat them up some way. I ran out of nuclear weapons again, my flamer was out of gasoline, so using the oven was my best option.
In my just under 40 years on this rock, the only time I’ve seen someone deepfrying french fries at home has been on American TV shows. It’s a lot more popular to cook them in the oven around here.
French fries aren’t made in an oven though.
Correct. However, if you buy frozen ones, you do need to heat them up some way. I ran out of nuclear weapons again, my flamer was out of gasoline, so using the oven was my best option.
Good thing those frozen ones come with the required cooking temperature on the package.
Hey Spez, can you throw some more subreddits into the dumpster fire. The temperature is almost right for popping some popcorn.
Oven cooked french fries are a thing, and have a surprisingly high popularity
Doesn’t the very nature of being fries, require them to be fried? Otherwise, they’re baked potato sticks.
Ours are pre-fried at the factory, then frozen and packaged. We typically then finish cooking them in the oven.
This is the way.
In my just under 40 years on this rock, the only time I’ve seen someone deepfrying french fries at home has been on American TV shows. It’s a lot more popular to cook them in the oven around here.