Ants can be brutal. Some species of ants steal the eggs of different colonies to force them to work for their own colony. Sometimes, the kidnapped ants rebel and lay waste to the interior of the colony that kidnapped them if they think they can overpower them.
Bears should just enslave some other animals to produce milk for them. Simple.
Ants do that. I think they enslave aphids
Ants can be brutal. Some species of ants steal the eggs of different colonies to force them to work for their own colony. Sometimes, the kidnapped ants rebel and lay waste to the interior of the colony that kidnapped them if they think they can overpower them.
They do! Well, at least certain species do. They groom the aphids to harvest a sweet excretion.
It’s a really neat relationship.
I mean, it’s not just any excretion. It’s a byproduct of sorts of the aphids digestive system.
From wikipedia on “Honeydew (secretion)”:
Sweet Jesus.
Yes, apparently it does taste very sweet.
I’ll see myself out.
Love me some sweet excretion. What a life, to be an ant.
I assume someone made porn of this.
Well, there’s at least video of ants getting the honeydew, so I guess if one’s kinky enough, it’s porn for ants.
Ant porn for humans with that extra kink™
No, it’s a really ant relationship.
quickly grabs coat even though it’s sweltering hot
Are they stupid?