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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • The genuine peripheralisation and plunder of Ukraine, it can be seen, has been carried out by the advanced capitalism of the West. In these circumstances, arguments designed to blame Russia for Ukraine’s economic dilemmas over the years are distracting and unhelpful.

    It is a remarkable example of moral degradation to call an unfair trade relationship “plunder” when the country this author is making apologia for has actually invaded, destroyed cities, murdered thousands and actually, literally plundered Ukraine, and not in figurative terms.

    The relations of core-periphery are a phenomenon that deserves to be taken seriously, not to be used as a use-and-throw-away talking point when you’re out of arguments to defend your preferred imperial power.

  • Speaking to weekly magazine Der Spiegel, in an interview first published on Saturday, Skea warned against laying too much value on the international community’s current nominal target of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius compared the pre-industrial era.

    “We should not despair and fall into a state of shock” if global temperatures were to increase by this amount, he said.

    In a separate discussion with German news agency DPA, Skea expanded on why.

    “If you constantly communicate the message that we are all doomed to extinction, then that paralyzes people and prevents them from taking the necessary steps to get a grip on climate change,” he said.

    “The world won’t end if it warms by more than 1.5 degrees,” Skea told Der Spiegel. “It will however be a more dangerous world.”

    Surpassing that mark would lead to many problems and social tensions, he said, but still that would not constitute an existential threat to humanity.


    Skea predicted that one difficult area might prove to be changing people’s lifestyles. He said that no scientist could tell people how to live or what to eat.

    “Individual abstinence is good, but it alone will not bring about the change to the extent it will be necessary,” Skea said. “If we are to live more climate consciously, we need entirely new infrastructure. People will not get on bikes if there are no cycle paths.”

    Skea said he also wanted to adapt the IPCC so that it could provide better and more targeted advice to specific groups of people on how they could act to combat climate change.

    He named groups like town planners, landowners and businesses: “With all these things it’s about real people and their real lives, not scientific abstractions. We need to come down a level,” he told DPA.