initial eyewitness reports from Telegram, accompanied by direct video evidence of a plane falling out of the sky with obvious catastrophic damage
there is no room for doubt… that airframe had all of its capabilities aggressively shut down by some external physical process… maybe it was Thor, but no… it wasn’t anything but really capable land based missiles…
No shit. It was originally and explicitly stated in the initial reporting that the plane was shot down.
witnesses reported seeing missile trails right away, and hearing 2 loud pops
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initial eyewitness reports from Telegram, accompanied by direct video evidence of a plane falling out of the sky with obvious catastrophic damage
there is no room for doubt… that airframe had all of its capabilities aggressively shut down by some external physical process… maybe it was Thor, but no… it wasn’t anything but really capable land based missiles…
I mean you can see the remnants of the missile contrail in that clip that was posted on streamable. 100% shot down.