And that’s why the have to humiliate and torture a captured Soldier? Wait it wasn’t even a Soldier! Nothing, I repeat NOTHING(!) can justify such an action.
War is terrible. I don’t support the allied troops in WWII raping and murdering Berlin women en masse or sending queer concentration camp victims straight to prison for being queer. Nothing can justify such actions. Does that mean the Nazis should not have been fought and defeated? Certainly not.
And that’s why the have to humiliate and torture a captured Soldier? Wait it wasn’t even a Soldier! Nothing, I repeat NOTHING(!) can justify such an action.
War is terrible. I don’t support the allied troops in WWII raping and murdering Berlin women en masse or sending queer concentration camp victims straight to prison for being queer. Nothing can justify such actions. Does that mean the Nazis should not have been fought and defeated? Certainly not.
Nothing justifies it, but desperation explains it.