Pentagon cites more than 180 incidents of aggression against US aircraft over the East and South China seas

The US has accused China of orchestrating a “concerted” campaign of dangerous and provocative air force manoeuvres against US military planes in international airspace, warning it could spark an inadvertent conflict between them.

The Pentagon said aggressive tactics by Chinese aircraft had threatened US planes flying over the East and South China Sea regions, tallying more than 180 such incidents since autumn 2021.

“That’s nearly 200 cases where (Chinese) operators have … discharged chaff or shot off flares or approached too rapidly or close to US aircraft,” said Ely Ratner, assistant secretary of defence for Indo-Pacific security affairs.

    1 year ago

    It’s hilariously laughable that you are trying to, somehow, put China on some moral high ground.

    US is not a prize horse, I assure you, but to somehow put blinders on, for all of China’s egregiousness, is particularly funny.

    Is it because you are researching China behind their great Internet wall that scrubs all references of their atrocities?

    My favorite was the recent blurring of two athlete’s uniforms, because their numbers, next to each other, references Tiannamon Square, even though it was a random happenstance

    Tibet, Taiwan, Uyghurs, Hong Kong, South China Sea… innumerable imprisonment of dissidents, with no legal recourse or contact with the outside world, and that’s just in theast, what, 10 years? Shills like you give shills a bad name.

    How about the flagrant disregard for IP or international environmental laws? The constant industrial espionage, the flooding of the market with cheap, inferior made products. Yet their own economy is a house of cards, since Winnie the Pooh started disregarding the long term consequences for short term gain.

    There is no area where China is NOT a bad actor. I’m starting to think it’s their culture and not just the latest administration.