Or maybe Israelis are the ones who are not facing reality. You keep a malnourished and abused big dog chained in your backyard, you’re going to get bitten sooner or later.
…And now that they’ve been bitten, they’re going to beat it to death, and god help anyone that thinks what they’re doing is cruel and unnecessary (and terrorism, and a war crime).
You’re getting downvoted because no one here wants to face reality.
Or maybe Israelis are the ones who are not facing reality. You keep a malnourished and abused big dog chained in your backyard, you’re going to get bitten sooner or later.
…And now that they’ve been bitten, they’re going to beat it to death, and god help anyone that thinks what they’re doing is cruel and unnecessary (and terrorism, and a war crime).
I get it. Reality sucks.
Also, people want to see themselves in an underdog. They want a “good guy” to root for.