The number of overfished stocks has tripled over the past 50 years, pushing fishing fleets further afield in search of profits from the $600 billion-a-year industry.
Is it not common in most places to differentiate land animals (meat) from sea animals (fish)? I get your point that there’s no real distinction to make philosophically, but it’s customary and most people understand it?
No? The only times I’ve seen fish treated as somehow not meat is for religious reasons. Generally you’d categorize the meat by the type of animal, such as beef, pork, chicken/poultry, or the broad categories like fish or shellfish.
Maybe it just depends on if you live someplace that’s very religious or not?
Is it not common in most places to differentiate land animals (meat) from sea animals (fish)? I get your point that there’s no real distinction to make philosophically, but it’s customary and most people understand it?
No? The only times I’ve seen fish treated as somehow not meat is for religious reasons. Generally you’d categorize the meat by the type of animal, such as beef, pork, chicken/poultry, or the broad categories like fish or shellfish.
Maybe it just depends on if you live someplace that’s very religious or not?
I’ve definitely seen and heard the phrase “meat or fish” used where I live. I doubt it’s just a Finnish thing
I think going to the restaurant located inside my local church was a mistake
Lol, you say that, but catholic churches are very much known for their fish fry fridays in my area.
Is their halibut good enough for Jehovah?
Sister Celestine, I told you to we needed to order more HABITS, now what are we gonna do with all this fish?
I dunno, I just assumed that anything that bleeds when you kill it is meat.
A lot of people make the distinction that red meat, mammals, are more intelligent, more aware of pain, more develop neurologically, than fish
WTF I want to kill a crab for scientific purposes now
We bleed horseshoe crabs for the medicinal properties of their blood.
You do you, my friend. My family and I prefer to spend our free time reading a good book or baking cookies.
I eat all the meat. It’s delicious. I just wanted to share what it’s called when you eat fish but no other meat. blood coagulates when exposed,wounds and reduce fluid loss.
Nice to see that vampires have their own stackoverflow. Thanks for the answer anyway