You realize there’s a reason they give you antibiotics after surgeries right? It’s PRECISELY because of infection vectors like that during the surgery.
Yes. I’ve been in a lot of operating rooms for a lot of different surgeries. It’s also common to give antibiotics before a surgery…and wear surgical masks… which is my point, also in the context of COVID masks still work to reduce the spread of a virus. Antibiotics will not work against a virus.
Yes, please make sure if you have surgery you tell your surgeon “no need to wear a mask, just a helmet and some knee pads”.
You realize there’s a reason they give you antibiotics after surgeries right? It’s PRECISELY because of infection vectors like that during the surgery.
Yes. I’ve been in a lot of operating rooms for a lot of different surgeries. It’s also common to give antibiotics before a surgery…and wear surgical masks… which is my point, also in the context of COVID masks still work to reduce the spread of a virus. Antibiotics will not work against a virus.