Desoxyn is an FDA approved brand-name methamphetamine that is prescribed to treat ADHD and obesity. It’s not very common, and usually ADHD patients will be prescribed some other amphetamine, but meth is schedule II and it is used to treat ADHD in some cases.
A range of amphetamine compounds are approved for the treatment of ADHD.
Methamphetamine, what people generally talk about when they say meth, is not.
Desoxyn is an FDA approved brand-name methamphetamine that is prescribed to treat ADHD and obesity. It’s not very common, and usually ADHD patients will be prescribed some other amphetamine, but meth is schedule II and it is used to treat ADHD in some cases.
From another comment in this thread, at least in the US, it looks like it actually is approved for treatment of ADHD.