That if an organization is in the business of producing terrorists and pushes for war, I cannot trust any alleged attempt for the safety of the people.
I’m not saying blow up or kill. It’s death is bad. I’m just saying the blaim is not necessary when they attempt to put it.
Pretty much all I think about when those terrible letters are put together. UNRWA.
They have been fuling the hate in gaza ever since they arrived.
Anything to avoid dealing with the true emotional weight of what we’re seeing every day, right? Look at this headline for god’s sake.
I believe aljazira headlines pretty much as much as I believe that the earth is flat!
Look at the materials in their kindergartens/schools! Unrwa doesn’t work for Gaza or the gazens nor does it care about them.
When would you believe it? What would it take? Someone actually there was the one who reported the facts.
So we should blow them up? Not quite sure what you’re implying here.
The truth.
That if an organization is in the business of producing terrorists and pushes for war, I cannot trust any alleged attempt for the safety of the people.
I’m not saying blow up or kill. It’s death is bad. I’m just saying the blaim is not necessary when they attempt to put it.