There must be some internal urge in humans like hunger or horniness that takes over their rational mind and compels them to assign the shameful label of “hypocrite” upon others.

When your insecurity and jealousy is too uncomfortable to deal with you can knock a successful person down below your level by finding a flaw (real or imagined) and call them a hypocrite. This of course negates all of that person’s wisdom and accomplishments because being a hypocrite is the worst thing you can be in this world apparently.

Walden is about simple living and never claimed to be about one man against the world rugged self-sufficiency.

If you don’t know what this post is about go to Google and type in:
“thoreau mom laundry reddit” and read all the posts typed up with zeal about Thoreau and Walden.

A Sketchy History Of Pencil Lead

      7 months ago

      It’s because cigarettes are addicting and so when someone harming themselves says not to do it, it makes sense. They’re suffering from a bad habit / addiction and they’re saying others shouldn’t do it too.

      Someone proclaiming the virtues of simple living yet the way they got there being unobtainable for anyone hearing the advice makes no sense.

      They’re both hypocrites on the surface but only one survives scrutiny.