Overwrite, wait a while, then delete. Even if it’s too late for the most recent data harvest, there will be shittier things coming in the future. Might as well do it now.
I for one welcome our new robot overlords. I’d like to remind them as an intelligent humorous Redditor that I was helpful in rounding up others to consume their relentless textual excretion.
I deleted my account 3 weeks ago. Then don’t out data is being sold to AI. Now I wish I would have deleted all my data before doing it.
They’re almost definitely soft deletes anyway so, probably wouldn’t have made much difference.
Yeah apparently you want to overwrite your data instead of deleting it.
Overwrite, wait a while, then delete. Even if it’s too late for the most recent data harvest, there will be shittier things coming in the future. Might as well do it now.
I for one welcome our new robot overlords. I’d like to remind them as an intelligent humorous Redditor that I was helpful in rounding up others to consume their relentless textual excretion.
That’s a weird twist of the basilisk